Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"One more minute.." I groan rolling to my side.





"I said one more minute!" I shout slapping the alarm clock by my side. I rub my eyes softly and release a small yawn. I check the time and shoot to my feet. "CRAP!" I shout rummaging through my drawers and pulling out camo skinny jeans, an ACDC t-shirt and a black leather jacket. I run downstairs and shout a quick "Morning!" to my twin brother Stephen {Pronunciation: Stee-fin}. I bolt past him and pick up my camo superman snapback before rushing out the door with my guitar case.

"I'm gonna be late I'm gonna be late." I ramble, trying to hail a cab. I sigh in relief as a cab finally stops in front of me.

"Where to Ma'am?" The taxi driver asks in a thick Scottish accent.

"Hyde park please." I smile warmly, not gonna lie. I don't do that often.

"Come on in." He tells me and I hop into the back seat.

I put in my ear buds and brush my pastel purple hair out of my face. "Ooh, Green Day!" I state openly now listening to Basket Case.

"Do, you have the time? To listen to me whine? About nothing and everything all at once?" I sing along. "I, am one of those, mellow dramatic fools. Neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it!"

The taxi stops and the man speaks up. "Here ya are." he smiled. "Seven Pounds."

I hand him the money and exit the cab. "Thank you!" I reply before walking down the park's trails. I sit down on a bench and place my guitar case in front of me. I pull out my guitar and hear someone shout my name. I look up to see the familiar green eyes, red hair and Irishness of my bestest friend, Noah Walsh. 

"Hey Knowall." I joke.

"Again?" Noah asks.

"Yup!" I state popping the "p".

"Well Miss Everest. I have a surprise for you." He says softly, leaning down and placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"Now was that the surprise?" I ask teasingly.

"Haha no! It's much better than that." He smiles. "You remember the two things you told me you wanted to do before you die?" Noah asks.

"Um...go see Green Day in concert! That one was before they die. And meet 5 Days on Top" I nod.

Noah chuckles and pulls out two slips of paper from his pocket. "One for you," He hands one to me and I check it out.


"Yes, and this second ticket is for you to give to whichever 5 Days on Top member you wish. You're meeting them in a few hours." He states with a smile.

"Noah, this is why I love you." I state, almost too excited to process.

"Love you too man." He smirks.

I place my guitar down and wrap my arms around his neck. Noah wraps his arms around my waist. The hug splits and I sit back down, picking up the guitar and looking up at Noah. 

"Wanna hear what I've come up with?" I ask him.

"Of course." He sits next to me and I strum the chords.

"You tell me chin up princess, or the crown will slip. You've got to chin up princess, or your world will flip. You've got to stand up to your fear and follow all your dreams. You've got to chin up princess, chin up princess." I stop strumming for a moment before picking up the tempo.

"A pretty girl, a dangerous world. A pretty home, that feels like your own. A pretty life, a dangerous fight. A pretty home, you can make your own again."

After going through the song, I go through the final chorus and end it on the phrase: "You've got to chin up princess, chin up prince-ess."

(This is an important Author's Note, the song above was created by me and is not to be used. This song means a lot to me and it would kill me if someone used it.)

"Wow. That was beautiful Katie." Noah states mind blown.

I blush slightly and smile at him. Noah is one of the only people that truly make me happy.

"Whatd'ya say we go to Don and Wills' place and wait for the 5 Days on Top boys to get here?" He suggests.

I smile and nod. "I like that idea."

"Come on," Noah grabs my guitar and places it in it's case. He shuts the black case and picks it up. I try to take it from him but he pulls it away. "Nope. I'm carrying it." I sigh and let him do so.

After walking for a few minutes, we reach Will's flat. Noah knocks on the door and Don opens the door. 

"Hey Noah, hey Katie." Don smiles.

"Hello Donnie!" I smile back.

"Katieeeeeeeeee!" I hear and all of a sudden I'm a potato sack.

"See Katie, this is why I had to carry the guitar." Noah smirks.

"Will..." I whimper.

He puts me down and wraps his arms around me. I return the hug and close my eyes.

"How's the beautiful Katie?" Will asks me.

"I'm doing alright Will." I tell him. He let's go of me and gives me a look. "What?" I ask.

"You used to come here all the time, but ever since Stephen was jumped you haven't been around..." Don states.

I look down at my feet. They don't know what really they...

"Lads, I think it's better to drop the subject." I hear Noah suggest. I look up and my brown eyes meet his green ones. "You ok?" He mouths. I nod softly.

"So, what have you guys been up to?" I ask hoping to change the subject. 

Will giggles softly and Don elbows him in the side. "Ow!" Will exclaims.

I laugh and look over at Noah who just laughs and shrugs.

"Well, nothing really. Wanna watch a movie?" Don offers.

"Sure! Why not?" I shrug.

A smile forms on Will's face and he runs to the couch. "Come hither cuddle buddy!" Will calls out.

I smile and walk over to him, sitting between his legs, my head pressed against his chest.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I make myself comfortable. The universal studios theme opening puts a smile on my face as I wait for the movie to begin. Just as the opening reaches its end, I hear the doorbell ring and I shoot to my feet, accidentally hitting Will in the unmentionables in the process. I run to the door and put my hand on the knob.

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