Chapter 3: Powers an Abilities?

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"Like I said. I don't know." I said as I unfroze time then there was a knock on the door.

Vlad went to answer it as he sees it was his friend Henry.

"Hey, Vlad. Got the new Zombie Brains Five. Want to play?"

"Sure. Come on in. My cousin Kylisa is here."

"Ok, no pro...blem..." He said as he walked in and seen a young girl a year older than them standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

She has beautiful light fire red hair that went to her waist, had bangs that cut over her left eye hiding one of her two forest green eyes. She was wearing black jeans that were badly shredded but had blood red leggings under the jeans. Her tank top was blood red and was partially covered by her black leather half jacket. Then her shoes were black with blood like drops on it with blood red laces.

"Hello, my name is Kylisa. I'm Vlad's cousin from New York."

Henry just stood there not sure what to say as he was looking at Kylisa.

"Hey, Henry. Are we gonna play the game?" Vlad asked snapping Henry back to reality.

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah."

The boys head to the tv while I just stay by the door. They play for hours upon hours. It wasn't until they heard a knock on the door that they got distracted and got killed or as they put it "eaten by the zombies". Personally I couldn't help but laugh at them slightly.

"Ugh! Not cool, dude! Not cool." Henry said fighting from throwing the controller.

Word was he had already broken one. He really couldn't afford to replace another. Meanwhile Vlad had gotten up and went to go get the door.

"Hi, Uncle Otis. Come on in."

Vlad steps to the side as Otis steps in the house.

"Hi, Otis." I said smiling while Henry was starting a single player game.

"Hello, my dear daughter. I heard you were looking for-" His phone started going off for a call from Nelly. He answered it before going into another room.
"If it's Nelly I'm sure she's telling him my brother is at the hospital."

"Wait, Asryin is at the hospital?! And you're here? Doing nothing?" Vlad said looking at me a little confused.


"Otis! We'll be back! Henry, let's go. You're driving."

Henry got up and grabbed his keys before following them out the door towards his car.

At The Hospital:

"We're here to see Asryin Tod."

"Oh, yes. The overdose patient that came by ambulance. Room 218." The nurse said looking a little suspicious but didn't want to ask.

Kylisa and Vlad had taken off kinda leaving henry behind. Kylisa was the first one in the elevator and the first one in the room. When she got in there she ran straight past the doctor and right to her brother Asryin giving him a hug.


"Oh, Asryin. I'm so glad you're ok."

"Kylisa...I don't remember how it happened though. One moment I was making dinner. I was making your favorite since tomorrow is your birthday. Then the next minute I felt a sharp shooting pain in my neck and lost feeling in my body while I was on the phone with my friend Rylie. Then I see flashing lights and EMTs around me. Then I lose consciousness. And then I wake up perfectly fine and everyone freaking out saying I was dead. Then I am rushed here but am still perfectly fine. Just really thirsty but Nelly was giving me some warmed up fruit punch." He said just above a whisper to his sister.

"When you're able to come home we'll sit down and explain everything." Kylisa said quietly back to him looking worried.

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