January 1569

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Copenhagen, Denmark.

"Wake up, dear Violetta." Kol says, shaking me.

"Where is Nik?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed as I look up at my husband's brother.

"He's cooking. Making breakfast." My eyebrows raise.

"It's not even an anniversary." I laugh.

"He's in a good mood. Don't know why, but I'm not questioning it."

"Good to know." I stretch. "Why are you waking me up? Why not my husband?"

"He asked me to wake you up." He shrugs. "What do you say we have a bit of fun before we go for breakfast?"

"I'll get dressed." I smile, and he leaves the room and I change into a dress and take my hair down from the curlers. "I can't wait for the style to change. This is a lot of work to do everyday." I note as I style myself. "Boys have it easy."

"You don't have to look good."

"If we want to do the Morning Master Plan," I smile, and he laughs. "I'll need to look good. Good enough for Kol Mikaelson to want to kill me, at least."

The Morning Master Plan, is what Kol and I tend to do most mornings, as a way to pass time. We go into town before breakfast, and normally there's a couple walking around the lake, or something among the likes of that, so I go up to them, bleeding, begging for their help, and Kol comes after me but instead of killing me, we feed and maybe kill the couple, or whoever it is that we find, and bring whatever remains to the siblings, and my husband.

"You always look good enough to kill." He says, and I shove him. "I would never kill you, though. You're my best friend." He hugs me.

"You're my best friend as well, Kol."

"Tell me all your dirty stories with dearest brother then."

"Oh absolutely not." I roll my eyes, and continue to pat my face with a white powder. "I really hate this century. I cannot wait until this all goes away. Paleness as a statement of wealth." I do a fake vomit noise. "My skin is naturally tan. There's nothing I can do about it." I grumble and redden my cheeks. "Won't dye my hair though. I don't care if it's popular. I like dark hair."

"I like dark hair as well. And brown eyes."

"Good to know. Maybe I'll find you a wife. Or a girlfriend, at the least." I smile widely.

"That's the last thing I want." He rolls his eyes. "Come on." He wines. "Before Niklaus gets testy and annoyed that we're late to breakfast." I put on my shoes, kiss Niklaus quickly, and Kol and I sprint out of the house, and I spread some blood of a squirrel on my skin, making sure not to touch my clothing, the clothing get's crumpled by Kol while he rubs dirt into the end, and run up to a couple, begging for their help from my boyfriend.

"His name- his name is Kol. He has brown hair, devilishly handsome." I cry. "He was beating me, but I got away. Please help me." I sob into the woman's dress as I lay on the ground.

"Violetta!" I hear Kol scream, as well as quick footsteps.

"No! Stay away from her! You can do things like that in private, but to an extent. She's bleeding and looks halfway dead."

"You're halfway dead!" He shouts and bites her, and I get up quickly and feed on the man.

"He's old." I say, wiping my mouth. "You'll stay calm and do as I say." I compel him, and then feed him my blood. "Oh, finish up will you." I say to Kol, who is now healing his feed.

"She's quite pretty, don't you think?" He compels her to do whatever he says, and then kisses her.

"Oh quit it." I push him away, and we sprint with the couple back to our home. "Look what we brought home!" I smile, pushing the man into the home.

"I cooked!" Niklaus pouts.

"Yeah, but the Morning Master Plan had to be done!" Kol smiles, and pushes the girl into the house.

"At least three times a week." I agree. "Thank you for cooking breakfast, my love." I kiss my husband.

"If we have to leave here because of you two, I'm going to be so mad." Elijah says, and I roll my eyes and push the man towards him. 

"Feed, 'Lijah. You'll feel better." I smirk and lean on Nik's shoulder as he feeds from the woman, and then kisses me, the blood smearing on my face slightly.

"You look ravishing today." Nik whispers and I flush. 

"What a beast." Kol says, blood dripping from his mouth, as Niklaus and I pull away from each other.

"Please, we all have supernatural hearing, and that is quite honestly the last thing I wanted to hear this morning." Rebekah comes down stairs, her handmaiden by her side. 

"Mrs. Violetta, Tracy is looking for you." Rebekah's handmaiden says once she sees me.

"I was out with Kol. She can come down here." I smile. 

Tracy is my handmaiden, and a witch. She always knows where I am, even when I'm out. She just does a locator spell with the blood I've given her, for emergencies, of course. Tracy is the best thing that's happened to me since Nik walked into my life. She loves the whole vampire thing, and has dedicated her life to helping not only me, but Niklaus as well. She's been with us for the past sixty years, and it appears as though she hasn't aged a day.

"Where were you, then?" Tracy asks, handing Niklaus and I a cloth to wipe our mouths.

"The Morning Master Plan, of course." I smile, and Kol cheers. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept well, thank you." She looks around the kitchen. "Who cooked?"

"I did." Niklaus nods. "Very well, might I add. I even plan on doing the dishes." He smirks, and Tracy rolls her eyes. 

"You eat. I clean." She pushes us away from her, and we go to the table where Niklaus has laid out quite a spread, and dig in.

By midday I'm bored, and Niklaus and Elijah are out, they said something about a meeting with a king, but I wasn't really bothered enough to listen. Rebekah is out with her handmaiden shopping, and Kol is god knows where doing god knows what. So I take up a new hobby. I start writing. 

I steal a quill, pot of ink and empty journal from Elijah, he for some reason has several journals, and head back downstairs after asking Tracy to make me a coffee

"Character names." I mumble, patting my head with the end of my quill.

"What are you doing?" She asks, placing my coffee down.

"I'm going to see if I'm any good at writing." I look up at her and she nods. 

"Good luck with that." She smiles and returns inside.

Nicholas and Rose were a perfectly normal couple, with a perfectly normal life. At least that's what Rose thought, before Nicholas told her what happened to be the most absurd thing she had ever heard in all her 18 years.

"What are you doing, lovely?" Kol asks, sitting down next to me.

"Trying to see if I'm any good at writing."I close the journal. "So far, I am not very good."

"Shall we go on a hunt? See if that gets your writing juices flowing?"

"You just about read my mind, Kol Mikaelson." I hide the journal in a trunk of my clothing, and return the ink and quill to Elijah, before meeting Kol at the front door. 

"M'Lady." He extends his arm out, and I link mine with his and wee head out to reek havoc across town.


i added a new chapter in, it's march 1115, so just after Klaus and Violetta ran away together, check it out

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