He's My New Friend

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It was the 6th night. When I checked the stage, the three animatronics were already gone. When I checked Pirate Cove, Foxy was gone as well. I decided to check the left hallway, and I found him running. I put down the checker, and looked at the entrance of the left door. I saw a red object go flying across the office. "What the heck?!" I jumped up from the chair and checked on the object. I turned it around. It was Foxy. "You need to be more careful, mate." I said. I tried talking in pirate so he can understand me. He nodded and got up.

*2 hrs later*

It was 2am. Foxy was watching the doors for me while I would check the stage, bathroom, and the parts/service. It was like Foxy had the power to conserve it. If I were alone, I would already be at 50%. Now, that Foxy is with me, I'm at 74%. I was pretty happy that Foxy made me feel guilty. 

About 30 mins later, I heard laughing. The voice was dark and deep. "Who is that, mate?" I asked Foxy. "Freddy, mate." He replied. I nodded. "Does he peek in like the others?" I asked. "Repeat that, mate." I repeated the question. "No, he doesn't, mate. If he's like in the bathroom, or far from the office, ya don't need to worry. But, mate, if he's in the right camera, ya need to shut the door, mate. Only open the door to see if Chica is there. If you want to check the place, shut the door because he will come in the room and poke ya eyes out, mate." Foxy said looking me in the eyes. "Ya gotta watch out, mate. 'Cause sometimes Chica will eat jam and put it in between the door buttons. It's really disappointing." Foxy said, scratching the back of his head with his hook.

It was now 5am. I spent my time talking to Foxy. We would laugh and make jokes about the pizzaria.  Bonnie would try to sneak in the room, but Foxy has a sharp eye. He would scare Bonnie away. "Great job, mate." I would say every time he would scare Bonnie away.  Five minutes later Foxy tapped on my shoulder. I looked at him. He walked over to the door and pointed. He was explaining to me that he had to leave. He waved and walked down the hallway sadly. When he left, I started to feel sad and lonely. I looked at the clock. It was 5:59am. I wished that it was 3am because I was actually enjoying myself with Foxy. I hung my head as a tear trailed down my cheek.

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