Mark was kind of an outcast. Sure, he has a few friends and he gets along well with others, but no one really wanted to get to know him. They called him a "freak." He was a nerdy goofball who just wanted to help make people happy. Was it too much t...
I am awoken by my alarm playing "Nine in the Afternoon" by Panic! at the Disco. As much as I love to listen to that song, I hated what it represented at this moment: school. I didn't want to get up today. It was Monday, and Monday at 6:15 in the morning meant I had to get ready for my personal hell. I didn't want to leave my comfy, warm bed to end up in a place where people gave me the cold shoulder, or worse. It wasn't my cup of tea. Or coffee. I like coffee more. But like all days, I had to. My parents were not going to let me stay home just because I hated school with my entire being. So, I got out of bed, tousled around my green hair and began my morning routine.
After a quick shower, I combed the bright meadow on top of my head and brushed my slightly crooked teeth. I hated them. The only reason they're crooked is because some kid punched me right in the mouth and a dentist had to place a tooth into the empty space that was left. Now I needed braces more than ever. I needed them before, but my parents can't afford that at the moment. Figures I have to live with the thought of that memory for a while. I sighed as I looked into my dull eyes reflecting in the mirror. I shook my head, leaving the bathroom and heading to my room.
Rummaging through my clothes, I found a My Chemical Romance tee and black skinny jeans. As I pulled the shirt over my head, my fingers rubbed against my earlobe, reminding me I needed to change my plugs. It's sometimes a hassle to have gauged ears, but I love them. Finding my black and red ones that are my favorite, I took out the ones I'm wearing, cleaned them as well as my ears, and put in the new ones. I then sat on my bed as a pair of red Converse were put over my sock-covered feet. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I guess I know why people call me a freak. Just look at me. Colored hair, band tees, gauges. Don't they understand that I like this look? I shook off my thoughts once more. It's not like anyone really cares about my personality or anything. They just glance at me with disgust. I grabbed my 4 million pound backpack and head out the door, saying goodbye to my folks, of course.
I stood out at the end of my driveway, waiting for a bus to swoop down and pick me up for another rotten day. I have my license, but both vehicles were taken by my parents for work. It'd probably be a bad idea to drive there anyway. Somebody might slash the tires, tag it, or even run into it just for the hell of it. I can't own anything nice because of the people who torture me. It's so stupid. They ruin everything, including my life. I sighed. I just have to stay strong. I put in my earbuds, trying to get my mind off of the horrible day that has barely begun. Placing my playlist on shuffle, a firm beat plays against my eardrums. God, I love this! Music can also take me to my happy place. Soon, the bus pulled up to me and I stepped on. I sat up front with the little kids so I didn't start the torment already.
I sat down in the cafeteria, putting a bowl of cereal and a milk carton in front of me. After opening the serving size bowl, I gripped the sides of the milk carton and opened it, pouring the liquid over the sugar-coated food.
I ate a few spoonfuls as I looked at my surroundings. I was sat where I would normally be found: an empty table in the corner. No one really liked to sit with me anyway. I got to school pretty early most of the time, so there were few people present. Eventually, my earbuds made their way back into my ears with loud music playing out of them. I began to daydream. I pictured myself feeling happy and having friends. It was a rather nice feeling to imagine.
Unfortunately, it didn't last long as a cold liquid was poured over me.
A couple of dumbasses decided it'd be a good idea to take my cereal and pour it over my entire being. I won't name them because giving them credit is unimportant.
All I knew was this day was going to be terrible.
I let out an irritated sigh. I knew that smelling like cow tit juice all day would be a bad idea. So, grabbing my backpack, I headed out of the cafeteria and into the locker room. I notified the P.E. teacher I'd have later that day what happened. He gave me the okay to use the showers because this wasn't the first time. I nodded at him as I made my way into the awfully foul-smelling room.
I hated this room. It only reminded me of the horrors people gave me. I wasn't the strongest kid ever. I was pretty small compared to everyone else; I was shorter and thinner than most. Of course, this helped others make fun of me easily. I'd never change for P.E. until I was alone. And now, since I was alone, it was a feeling of relief. I grabbed some body wash and shampoo from my bag after I turned on the water. I was always prepared now. This happened a bit more often than I'd like to admit. I laid out my fresh, clean clothes I packed on the bench. I stripped down for the second time today and hopped into the shower, beginning to wash the smell of dairy from my body.
I hummed a simple tune stuck in my head as I rinsed out my hair. I really wished today was over already. So far, it was full of suck, and nobody would mind if I left. But, I knew I had to stay here. Stupid education system, making me stay in hell. I finished washing off and turned off the water, exiting the shower the same way I entered. I grabbed my towel, putting it over my head and ruffling it around to get my hair decently dry.
I began to dry off the rest of my body, but heard movement outside the door. I then realized I forgot to lock it. My heart moved in a quick, panicked manner as the door opened. I tried to wrap the towel around me the best I could. After hearing it close, I slowly turned to see who was behind me. The heat rose off my face as we locked eyes. My eyes widened at the site of him.
'Fuckin' hell, Fischbach....'
A/N: So, I wanted to put out the first chapter of this before I out the next chapter of 'Vidcon' (mostly because I need to finish it, but I wanted to show you guys what this was going to be like). I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this. I really like it so far, and I would get back to writing now, but I need to do the other one first. Sorry for the late updates, but I should be into the swing of things soon. See you in the next chapter! Ciao!
Also, this is what I thought Jack would look like:
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