Dear Nobody

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Dear nobody,
I wish that's what you were.
The nights drag on, longer than the marathons of you pretending to love me
I wish we'd never met
I wouldn't have to accept that 2 years of my life had been wasted on you
Did you ever love me?
Was it all for show?
I want to believe at the beginning it was real
That every time you held my hand, it was you that swung it back
It doesn't take a poet to tell me how much potential you have
Still do
I don't know why I'm writing this to you
You will never see it, and I will never send it
I will put every thought of you out of my head
Like the way you'd put out your cigarette in bed
Not even looking twice and throwing it away
Turning over and going to sleep
If only it were that easy
The clock rings every hour
Reminding me how small I am
How important my problems are
In the universe, time goes on
It doesn't stop for anyone
Certainly not for me and my aching heart
I must go with it or I will be stuck here
I don't want to be stuck here with you
Even now as I write this I can feel myself slowly getting stuck
The sun shines through the window now, and it shines on the floor where you used to dance
You'd hold me close and sway me softly as we made a beautiful song of our own
I thought you were dancing with me
What do I do with the things I dedicated to you?
Such beautiful words have gone to waste, and I can't bear to throw them away
You're a dandelion
I used to think you were beautiful
But you've grown into yourself
I used to treasure your presence
A weed in the grasses and flowers
I'm glad to see your poison gone
I will not sing your songs anymore
And I'm sending your letters back
They mean nothing
You mean nothing
I meant nothing
And that's why you are dead to me
Me. No longer anybody to you. Nobody.

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