Can't catch a break...

21 2 20

Nisha: Hey guys! How is-

Ataya: *walks by* hey Nisha!

Nisha: hi Ataya. Anyways, how is-

Raven: *in the other room* darn it!

Sea-Ann: Raven, it's just a game. Relax.

Nisha: Anyways-

Maddie and Ember: *runs by Nisha* hi Nisha! *runs outside*

Nisha: *eye twitches* can-

Lilyia: checkmate!

Crystal: darn, beat again!

Tyann: *sighs*

Nisha: that's it, I'm done trying. I can't say anything without being interrupted. 

*camera goes dead*

Me: *turns on a back up camera and plugs the other camera into the charger* guys, please make sure the camera is plugged in! You keep leaving it unplugged!

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