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I grabbed my bag and head for the door of the bus, I was the last one out.
I had my Grey-cyan hood over my head, with a few red strands of hair sticking out.

There was a crowd of girls and few weird boys following another boy, whose name was Sora, I had found.
Then there was on the other side a girl being crowded by a lot people, she looked like a model kinda.

I entered through the school doors and saw.. Oh no.. That killer came here too..

Siena quickly saw me and walked away from where she was, huh, guess she's scared that she'll get expelled from here too?

I walked to my new locker and put all my books and other stuff in.

The bell rang, and I head to my first class, of course, no-one noticed me, but I did make eye contact with some creepy dude trying to pickpocket the principal, he only achieved at getting her keys. Ope, there he goes to office caught.

I sat down in an empty desk.

Oh please.. Oh please don't call me out to introduce myself..

"Dania Civenlar, would you come and introduce yourself?" The teacher said, his name was Mr. Tumor.

He called me out..

Btw, My real name Amia Civenlar, I took the name of my murdered ocousin.




I stood up, and said "My name is Dania Franklin Civenlar, I am new here, I am quiet, and dont talk to me, or you will have to talk to my parrents." I lied. My parrents are dead, well, I don't know where my mom is.. She was kidnapped.


The bell rang, I got my stuff for the next class.

In my second class I caught Sora looking at me, I gave him the evil eye and he quickly went back to his paper.

During our one hour lunch break, I overheard some girls talking about me.
"Ugh, did you see Sora looking at that Dina girl?" It's Dania!! I silently spoke to her. "Omg, Yes, ugh, I can't believe that girl." The other responded "Oh yeah, and she gave him the evil eye!"  "I know right? She has such a nerve." My face turned red with anger as I went to my Locker.

Another girl grabbed my arm, I looked at her with anger and frustration.

Huh, I'm sure I hadn't seen her yet..

"Hi, I'm.. Allison. I will be helping you."  She had brown hair with curls, she looked nice.

"Who sent you to help me?"
"If I tell you, you'll tell me to go tell her you don't need my help." She guessed, well, she guessed right.

I blinked twice, and then she whispered, "Hello Amia, I will be your 'friend' This year."
"Then, who were you sent by?"
"Tallia, and Zoan."
"Haha, There is none."
"Correcto" I said with a slight smile.

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