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I started to put stuff away in my locker to go home, I turned around when I was done, and Sora was there, I jumped.

"You scared me!" I said "Sorry." He said, "For a few milliseconds I thought you were Siena!"

I shivered at the thought.

"Why are you here?"
"I want to talk to you."
"How did you even find my locker?"
"My dad is the Vice-principal."
"Can I talk to you?"
"You are talking to me."

"Go away." I started to walk away from my locker and Sora, he started to walk by my side.

"My parrents want to thank you for saving my life."

"I said go away."
"They want you to come to dinner, I promise after this I will never bother you again!"

I could tell he was getting a little frustrated because his face was turning red.

"Are you sure?"
"It's free food"
I stopped for a sec.
Free food.
Not because I wanted free food, I just thought, perhaps he has to get me to do it?


I entered the house.
"Well hello! You must be ms.Civenlar!"
Sora's mother said as she took my jacket and hung it up for me.
She looked like a older girl version of Eon.

"Yes ma'am, and thank you."
I nodded my head.
"Now, you should get to the dinner table now. Sora, will you take her there?"  She said, Sora reaponded with
"Yes ma'am." And he gestures for me to follow him, I follow him to the dinner table where I take the seat opposite from Sora.

Sora's mom ends up sitting next to me,
And Sora's little sis Sits on the other side of me, I smile at her, she is really energetic, and happy, she looks the age of 6.

Eon sat next to Sora.
There was on empty seat next to Eon and His lil sis.
"Where is your dad?" I said to Either Eon or Sora. Their mom answered before Either of them could.
"He is out on a school meeting."

She Gave us our food, and before we ate they said how thankful they were for saving Sora and Eon's lives.

We ate, the food was amazing, Once I was done, I leaved, I said bye of course.

I decided to go to the park for a few hours, watch the ducks on the lake, maybe feed them.

Then I saw Sora, putting His lil sis on the swings.

Invisible Girl Where stories live. Discover now