The golden bear ( A B5 Myth)

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The most dangerous, powerful and respected animal in the Misfit tribe is the golden bear the legend says that this bear has the power to give golden coins and they also say that he is the reason it rains so much.  But this bear can be very dangerous if you anger him by touching his dinner if you do that he will take you from you’re family turn you into a bear and you will live with him for the rest of your life, but the thing is nobody from the Misfit tribe has seen him only elders have but the story is a great one they love to tell this kids the story.  This is where we meet         Adrian she is a single mother and well respected in the tribe and she has 5 young son’s Dustin is 16 Kelly is 15 Patrick is 14 Carnell is 13 and Bryan is the youngest he’s 10 the rest of the tribe are her friends and they help her with the boys, whenever she needs something done the men are there to help her the tribe is just like family.  So one night she was thinking it was almost time for the boys to go to bed but it was raining so nobody would get any sleep and they were board so she told them to come into the den and she was going to tell them the story of the legendary golden bear.

“Ok boy’s I know that you have heard myself and the other adults talking about the golden bear so I’m going to tell you boys about it” She said

“Alright mom we are all ears” Bryan said with the biggest smile on his face.

“Ok so the legend has it that one day there was a family camping in the woods next to this lake and they were all having a good time, so they had just come back from swimming in the lake and when they got back to their campsite there was a bear and it was not a normal bear this bear was golden and it could talk.  So the family didn’t know what to do they had two sons the youngest one was your age Bryan, so he walked into the site without his dad and the little boy was staring right into the bears face and the bear was staring right back.  The bear could also talk and he made friends with the little boy the bear gave him a golden coin and he told the boy that he needed the other 3 coins to save his mother’s life after he said that the bear ran off.  The father ran to his son to make sure he was ok and he saw the gold coin and he asked his son Max (That’s the little boys name) where he had gotten the coin from and Max told him that it was from that bear, so after that Max was never the same so on day 3 of their camping trip their mother got very ill and they didn’t know why she was so ill.  Then Max remembered what the bear said and he told his dad and his older brother Adam what the bear said and they didn’t believe him, so the little boy max went off on his own to find the bear and when he did he asked for the coin and then Max made a horrible mistake he took the bears food and ate it and when the bear saw what he had done he turned Max into a bear and Max was not able to save his mother she passed away and Max had to live as a bear for the rest of his life and after that the bear has only been spotted by a few lucky or unlucky people”

“Have you ever seen the bear mom” Bryan asked

“No sweet heart I haven’t and I don’t want to” she said

“Dang that is really crazy so the older brother and father just let their baby brother and son go into the woods alone that is horrible” Dustin said

“Yes Dustin they let it happen the moral of this story always look after family and no matter what they say always try and believe them, Now it’s time for bed all of you go put on your PJ’s” Adrian said

            They did as they were told and the story really got to Bryan he liked it and he was going to put those values to work.  So 3 days have gone and all of a sudden Adrian got very ill they had the village doctor come and the doctor could not find anything wrong with her but she kept sneezing and coughing and she could not keep any food down all she would do is sleep. 

“Guys this is just like the story mom told us, she’s sick and that little boy’s mom was sick but we don’t even have any golden coins” Bryan said

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