A Shock.

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Chapter Two!

The room along from this held a small bed in the corner, a small desk, very much like the in the study two doors down, and like the other one had a large amount of parchment on with writing. Moving towards little desk he saw similar writing and was taken aback, he'd heard from his 'boss' that the family had a young girl and her parents, yet he was never told how young the girl was. Removed from his distracting thoughts by a loud chiming of the old grandfather clock as it struck 1 am. He sighed and began to reproach the bed, a small murmuring nailed him to the ground; as the young girl turned over the cage covers the held her tight. Then. It hit him. The beauty that was held in a face so small was bewitching. The sound of a sharp gasping emerged from his lips, watching her as the red wrinkles framed her pail skin. Never in his life had he stopped at him job, okay, he was after all 14 and had only had 3 jobs similar to this in the past, but he had never failed to get it done and dusted within the first half an hour. Yes, one little girl could change his mind just like that? All at the snap of one figures? It worried him. He knew how his farther would react. And he knew how the whole family would see him.

Still watching the beautiful red-headed Goddess he soon made his mind up to leave and face the problem his family would here-by cease him as. The girl moved again, this time though her eyes flickered open ever-so-lightly. With his back to the window where the moon's bright silver rays where beating down upon it he ducked, moving from her view line. She just looked around, breathing deeply before closing her eyes, locking out the light from the moon, as he breathed a sigh of relief and jumped jump, almost skipping from the room, he took the wooden stairs two at a time and ran out the door in which he had left, he's heart pounding in his chest. Returning down the coble stones he had only minuets earlier made his way so carefully up, however this time there was no holding back, he ran, a few tears in his pricking his eyes. As he ran he thought to himself why he even did it, well, it seemed so normal to him, but yet he never actually knew the reason as to why he had been made to kill the people, the people who in his eyes had done no wrong. Guilt hit him as he thought about how the young girl would be, seeing her parents dad. He marched back to his house, tears streaming.

The following morning the news hit the papers. The young boy's father called to him. "ERWAN! HERE NOW!" He shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2011 ⏰

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