Russia using other animals

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"Umm Hi dad you haven't answered my calls, well  call me back," as Gavin ended the voicemail and put his phone into his pocket.  56 minutes later. "Hmm my son tried to call me," Troker signed. "Well nothing we can do about it now," as Norwell was getting for to mutate a Green Sea Turtle. "We can use this guy to get across sea quicker." " Hey Norwell can you go get Spikes 2 ton salad packs, I have to work late to night." "Sure," Norwell replied. The computer count down 10, 9, 8 and so on for the mutation. When the Turtle was completely mutated it had to get to water pronto. They carried the turtle by a smaller crane. While they did that Troker asked "What should we call this big guy?" "Don't know," Norwell replied.  "Hey, hey what about Tartle-Kee," said Troker all entertained. As time pass Troker was at the Labratory all night and woke up to the noise of beeping for his news folder on his computer. The video showed Russia soldiers mutating a Komodo Dragon. "Ohh god," as Troker had terror in his eyes. The next morning Troker told Norwell to take a look at the video. Norwell was surprised as Troker was. Troker got on his phone and told Gavin to come over.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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