I pack my bags, ready for another day of anime school. I brush my pink curly hair and pack my bento box for school. I'm planning to give my kawaii bento box to weeb-senpai, since I love him very dearly.
"Oh no, I'm going to be late!" I cry as I rush to the door with my toast still inside my mouth. I ran as fast as my small delicate legs could go. Which wasn't very far.
As I turn into a corner, I clumsily bumped into a guy. Coincidentally, it was you!
"W-weeb-senpai! Gomenasai!" I studder and blush. You then glared at me with his big glossy kitsune-like pupils.
"Weeb-chan what are you doing here?" You look at her as you brush your blue hair. "anime school is that way." You point at a strangerly-japanese looking school. "It's the first term."
"Oh I forgot!" I just remembered, it was also the first term of school. "We are going to be late, why aren't you hurrying up?"
You then grab your anime bag and take out a stack of cards. "I'm going to be the Tamagoyaki card master. I am going to join this awesome league and fight battles with my Kara-age skills!"
I gasp. "W-Weeb-senpai!" I then look at him. "I wish you the very luck!"

reader x yourself
Teen FictionEveryone loves x readers, and if they don't, they love the first-person stories where the main heroine is an Oc of someone!!111! Yes that exists, and people who normally write those, are little weebs who has nothing to do. Their stories attract tHOU...