Chapter 1

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Umber POV

"Umber, dad wants ya." I look at my brother Eevee. I look at the flower bed I am laying on, and growl. The other Umbreons call me Umber, I dont know why. We are all the same species. But my pack just decided to give me Umber.

"I'd rather not move." I look at the pip squeek.

"Big brother. Please don't fight with me this morning." Other Pokemon call him Eveni. Well, we all do.

"Fine." I groaned, and stretch my long legs as I stood. Just to make Eveni mad, I took like 5 minutes just to stretch.

"UMBER!" He yelled. I laughed.

"Calm down Eveni, I'm comin' I'm comin'." I start walking toward him.

"Good I didn't want to have to fight you." He slowly turns around.

"What were you gonna do about it? You are too weak, hehe, you haven't even evolved yet!" I chuckled. He turned back around.

"I-I'm still in training!" He yelled.

"But~ what level are you again? Oh wait. Level 29. Hmm. Late bloomer." I smirk. He tackled me to the ground wilst screaming.

"EVENI, UMBER!" We heard a low voice enter the cave we were in.

"GET ON YOUR FEET NOW!" We don't hesitate to follow the orders. Sure enough, it was Father. He is one of the strongest, scariest Umbreons I know.

"Eveni, get to training." He told my brother sternly. Eveni hesitated.

"EMMEDIATLY!" Dad snapped. Eveni ran for the hills.

"Umber." He looked at me, with a slightly annoyed face.

"You need to start listening to orders, especially when its this important. You are going to become leader of this pack someday, and I want you ready." Oh, did I forget to mention that I am the leader's son? Yes, well sorry.

"I have been talking with the Sylveon pack lately.. I feel their leader's daughter would make a good wife for you." He walked around my den. I stopped moving, and froze.

"You-you're not talking about Sylvannah.. are you..?" You see, I hate Sylvannah, she is obsessed with me, and is just so annoying!

"Yes, I am talking about her. We need them to be good with our pack... they are very strong." He looked at me.

"NO!" I screamed at him.

"What do you mean, no?" He slowly walked toward me.

"I WILL NOT MARRY THAT ANNOYING RAT!" I screamed, almost in tears. He then used Tail Whip on me really hard. Which did bring me to tears.

"YOU WILL NOT DISOBEY MY ORDERS...! DO YOU HEAR ME!?" I got close to the ground, shaking, and crying.

"Ahem.. good." He turned away from me. I stayed on the ground.

"Hey, Eos?" An Umbreon walked in, thats my dad's name.

"Hunters are just about to leave. Just letting you know." The Umbreon stood near the entrance of the cave. My dad shot me a glance.

"Take... this with you." He bit down on the back of my neck and flung me over to the entrance of the cave. The Umbreon ran to help me. I soon noticed it was my best friend Reo.

"Be gone now." My dad ordered. We did as we were told.

"What was that all about?" Reo looked at me, as we met up with the other hunters. I shook away a tear. It wasn't the first time my dad has treated me like that.

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