Chapter 10

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Once we got home Urushihara called Emi, Sadou, and Ashia. They had said they would be right over.

(Le time skip)

My friends came over quickly.
"Let me see the note." Sadou said, extremely serious. I gave him the note and explained that we saw Sariel at SFC, not mentioning that it was on a date.

"Alright, I'm spending the night and I won't take no for an answer." Emi said
"We will too." Moau and Ashiya said at the same time.
I looked at Urushihara and agreed because I knew they wouldn't let it go.

" let's invite Chiho and Suzuno too!" Emi exclaimed

"No!" Urushihara yelled, causing me to laugh.
"Too late! I'm texting her now!" Emi screamed.

I walked over to urushihara.
"I guess our date is ruined. " I heard Urushihara mumble.

"I know right." I agreed.

(Le time)

Eventually there was a knock on the door and I opened it only to see Chiho and Suzuno standing there. I then motioned for them to come in.

The group set their stuff down and they all sat down in a group. I was confused but sat next to Urushihara anyway. He was sitting on the floor playing his PASTA.

"Hey NEET. Put that away!" Ashiya yelled

I didn't think he would, but after a few minutes, he did.
"What." Urushihara mumbled.

"We want to know exactly what happened today." Emi said, calmly.

(Le time skip)

"That really isn't good miss (l/n)." Chiho said nervously.
"Indeed." Suzuno responded.

In the end, we decided that Chiho, Emi, Suzuno, and Urushihara decided to take turns watching me whenever I left the house and Maou and Ashiya would visit every now and then to see how I were doing. I didn't like the fact that I was never going to have alone time, but I kept my mouth shut. It was better this way, and besides, I don't think anyone would allow it if I spoke my mind anyway, because I didn't know the seriousness of this topic first hand.

"Since we know he will be watching you guys a lot, we need to keep close eyes on the two of you." Sadou said.
"This stuff is too freaky. I have an idea to get our mines off of it. Let's play a game." Chiho said.
"What kind of game?" Emi asked, debating it.
"How about we start off with truth or dare!" Chiho said excitedly.
"The hell is that?" Urushihara finally spoke up.


Everyone finally decided to play truth or dare. I had to admit I was nervous because I didn't know what questions were gonna be asked. I've read books on these games, but never actually played them.

Chino spoke up. "Okay, I'll go first. Emi, truth or Dare?"
"Okay, if you had to date one boy in the room who would you chose?" Chiho asked. You grinned,
"Dare!" Emi changed her mind.
"Too late, now answer the question." Suzuno chipped in.
"Ugg fine! I guess-I guess Ashiya!." Emi whisper-yelled.
This caused everybody to turn around and look at Ashiya. Ashiya immediately looked away, blushing. We started laughing.

"Shu-shut up!" Emi glared and looked at Maou.
"Maou, truth or dare." He rolled his eyes.
"You already know my answer, dare."
" I dare you to be nice to me for the rest of the night."
"What! Ugg fine."Maou said calmly. His voice was quiet, but I could tell he hated his dare.
"Ok, (y/n), truth or dare?"Maou asked.
I decided to play it safe. "Truth."
"Where are your parents?"

Okay playing it safe just went out the window. I've only told Urushihara about what happened. Do I really trust them enough? I mean, I think I do. All eyes turned on me. To say I was nervous would be an understatement.

" My dad, he's in prison for life b-because he. Because he- he killed my mother when I was 13 ." I said studdering. I didn't want to  remember what happened anymore, but I had to tell them. Urushihara started rubbing my back in a soothing motion. I then rested my head on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry miss (f/n)!" Chiho said.
"Guys, no! It's fine! Really! It is! You guys don't need to feel bad for me!" You said worrying.
"Anyway, Suzuno! Truth or dare?" You said. "Dare,good (y/n)."
"I dare you, to hold Ashiyas hand for three rounds!" This caused them both to blush. Suzuno did as she was told, however, and held Ashiyas hand.

"Okay, um, Ashiya truth or dare." Suzuno asked.

"I chose dare, miss Suzuno."

"Okay, I dare you to not clean anything for the rest of the night."

"No!!! Please. I must make sure Sire has a clean castle!" There was hatred in Ashiya's eyes.

"Too late. It's a dare." Urushihara chipped in.

Ashiyas eyes were firey. They were unlike anything I've ever seen before!

"Fine! NEET truth or dare?!?!?"
"Phhhh. Easy, dare." Urushihara smirked.

"I dare you to go without electronics the rest of the night." Ashiya said laughing. Urushihara grabbed Ashiya by his shirt collar and was about to throw a punch when Ashiya reversed the it and pinned Urushihara against a wall. Maou pulled the two boys off of each other and you continued the game.

(Le time skip)

We all had been laughing for hours and hours. The time was 3:27. Chiho, Ashiya, and Suzuno had already fallen asleep and Maou and Emi decided to call it a night. This just left Urushihara and me awake. We just quietly talked for a while. The time was around 4:45ish when you heard a big loud noise on the door. This woke up Sadou and Emi.

"What was that?" I was once again nervous.

"I'm not sure, I'll go check it out." Urushihara whispered. Sadou and Emi went with him.

"(Y/n), stay here, we don't want something to happen to you." Sadou said softly. I was about to protest, but then decided against it. "I'll watch her." Ashiya was awake by now.

Sadou and Emi looked around the house while Urushihara stepped outside to look. As soon as he opened the door, he stopped dead cold in his tracks. There was an arrow in the door. The arrow had a note attached to it.
".....Guysssss!" Urushihara said loudly, they then rushed into the room.
"You can't hide (Y/n) forever" Sadou read the note aloud. I was completly terrified. This Sariel guy had gotten the best of me. I cant deal with this right now. I started seeing black dots, and before I knew it, I felt myself falling.

Urushiharas POV

I watched as (Y/N) looked like she was in shock. I was walking over to her, going to do my best at getting her out of her trance. As soon as I was by her side, she started to fall. I grabbed her before he could hit the floor, and set her on the couch. What happened? Is she going to be okay?

"Guys! She's unconscious!" I heard Emi yell. She made sure (Y/n) was positioned on her back, and put an ice pack on her head. Emi told us she should wake up in a minute or two, so we started talking about he issue at hand.

"What should we do my- lord?" Ashiya asked. This caused me to roll my eyes. " I don't know." Sadou mumbled. We rambled about the possibilities for around twenty minutes when Emi spoke up. " There's one idea that would remove the problem instantly." She whispered. I was willing to do almost anything to keep that bastard away from her." We need to erase (Y/n)'s memory."

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