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Hala ngano padung mn si Megeh dri? Huhu

*ting (light bulb)

Ok mu dagan nlng ko whehehe

So mao to noh pirting dagan nako kay padung nas migui huhuhu

"Hey wait!"

Ay pakno nakalimtan nako naa mn diay koy kauban na gwapo so ni lingi kos ako luyo nya utro pd siya nag dagan2 padung sd nako nya ako megeh ni hunong nya ni tanaw namo duha na mura mig na unsa

"Omyghad unya naka bi! Padagana sa ko huhu" Ako siya ge ingnan kay mura namig mga abno dri sig dagan2

Nya unsaun taman nga runner mn sd ning amaw edi nag dungan2 namig dagan mura mig nag olympics -,- may gani wa pa kaayo tao wohooo kay diba sabi ko maaga pa lol

"Hey! Why are we running?" - Gwapo

"Unsay we dong ha? Ingon ba diay ko na dagan pd?" -____- abnormal jd

"What? I don't really understand your language man!" 

"Yo mehn! Why u so pakno ha? We is running but me no say u run too mehn!" Grabe ge kapoy nakog dagan

Hmmm ok so my megehloves is out of sight already phew!

"OK stop na abnoy!" abnoy ako tawag niya kay mura mn siyag abnormal whahahahahha

Ni hunong pd siya niya ni tanaw nako

"What was that?"

"Yo abnoy you saw the guy that was looking at us earlier?" Ou murag kita sd siya ni migui kay nakalingi mn siya sa ako ge lingian pd

"Ah yes, who was that?"

"THAT WAS MIGUI A.K.A my future husband. And because of YOU that's why we were running che!"

"Migui? Your future husband? How sure are you that the both of you are meant to be huh?" And now he's smirking 

"It's because atsally yow we liked each other and we're childhood friends too so I know there's a possibility." 

"You used "liked" and it's a past tense so now you both don't like each other anymore huh."

"NO!!!! We still like each other it's just that there's a you know, an ugly bavarian donut looking face because of too much powder named Alouces a.k.a the kontrabida of our love story -,-"

"Oh so it's like that Migui of yours is torn between two?"


"Chill mate hahaha your nose is about to explode" 

ay grabe ka bes...


"What? Hahahaha you're funny!"

"And you're ugly che!"

*kring kring kring

I took my phone out to see who's calling me..

Miguiloves <3 is calling...

AY SHET MY LOVES IS CALLING OHMYGOLAYLAY ngano nanawag mn siya T____T he misses me? aweeee how sweet nemen 

OK so ehem ehem

"Ehh h-hello mig?" 

"Where are you young lady?" 

Wawz itay ikaw ba yan?

"School of course."

"With who?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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