Chapter 2

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On the way home I see the lights aren't on, and its 6:30pm meaning its beginning to get dark. I mutter obscenities under my breath, knowing the electricity probably got cut off. Sighing, I dig the keys out of my leather jacket and unlock the mucus colored door. The familiar smell of mildew hits my nostrils.

"Wheredafuckyoubeenbitch?" I hear my mom say to my left, her words slurring and I shake my head in disgust and head upstairs.

"Answer me bitch!" She yells from below.

"Shut the fuck up, Maria. Leave me the fuck alone you drunken waste of space." I say in back in monotone. I ignore her screaming and continue into my room. My room is the size of a very luxurious walk in closet.

My mom lost a bet playing poker and sold my bed in the process, so to one corner is a pile of neatly made sheets called my "bed", and across from that is my dresser with all my makeup and lyric book on top and some clothes in the three drawers.

The white paint on the walls is chipped and the window is caked with dirt on the outside.

I set down my guitar case and massage my aching shoulder before changing from my black 4 inch creepers into my black and white Adidas. Exchanging my skin tight dress into a plain black crop top tee and black tights. Can you tell I don't like color?

I take two steps and reach my door and lock my door just as I hear my moms heavy footsteps.

Seconds later she's pounding on my door so hard it breaks a little.

"Answer me right now worthless bitch!" She screams just as I have my head and one foot out of the window, ready to climb down the ladder I'd gotten from the cluttered garage.

I climb down quickly and walk down the yard, my moms yelling still audible. She hasn't been this way all the time. It started about seven years ago when my baby brother Andy was born. I was about 9 at the time when my father finally left my mom after years of abusing her and me. I grab my headphones out of my jacket and pull out my iPod, hopin to entertain myself on the 15 minute walk it takes me to get to the Academy of Rich Manwhores.

Okay so maybe it's not called that, but it definitely should be. The Elite Academy is an all boys college prep boarding school and they're all extremely attractive people. Literally. They all look like they stepped out of a Hollister shoot. Which is why they aren't my type. I mean yes, they're some awesome eye candy but I like bad guys who're into bands and covered with tattoos.

As I walk up the tiring hill to get to the schools gates, when I reach it I make a left and go to the end of the gates where the security box is. It's a small room where security sits and that's where our horrid neon yellow vests are. Since I usually wear black, it definitely sticks out on me. Gross. I unlock the box and find that Paula is already there. I greet her with a warm smile and my grin grows further when her nose wrinkles in disgust and her eyes shoot daggers at me.

Paula, the thirty year old security guard with the neat blonde bun always on her head and lips permanently etched in a frown, is a prune. She doesn't think that piercing a should be worn or any skin exposed. All of which I have.

So basically the box is silent as I take off my leather jacket and slip on my vest. We both head outside and immediately Paula distances herself from me. I smirk, and walk closer to her as we stand in front of the gate. I even brush against her.

"Please don't touch me." She says through gritted teeth. I face her and bring my face close to hers and before she can step back, I hook an arm around her waist and she looks horrified. I lean in and whisper in her ear.

"I find older women attractive. You're just my type." She shrieks and jumps away from me and I burst out laughing. Yeah, Paula's homophobic too. My laughter dies down as footsteps of girls become audible. Soon, an army of girls is upon the gate that Paula and I are at. We immediately began to try and push them back, and as I'm shoving girls away who're spitting curse words at me and barking orders to leave them alone.

I give them all death glares and push them back away from the gates when I notice them thinning out. Weird? I hear chanting to my left and I gasp as I see a huddle of girls hoisting a girl over the fence.

"Shit. PAULA TAKE MY POSITION CODE RED!" I scream and take off my vest. Don't want it to get ruined while I'm climbing a fucking 6 foot fence with dull gold daggers at the top. I hoist myself over and land ungracefully on the ground just as the girl is halfway to the group of guys watching the whole scene with amusement. Assholes.

Once I catch up with the girl, I grab her shoulder in an attempt to stop her, but instead she tugs away, resulting in me lunging forward and accidentally tackling her. We roll a few times until I'm on top of her pinning her down, my back facing the boys with my ass in the air as she struggles beneath me. I send her a cold glare and a deathly scowl is set upon my face which makes her stop moving. I bend down and get closer to her face, disgusted with the desperation in her to make her do all of that.

"No one," I say in a low threatening voice. "Is allowed beyond those gates. Pull another stunt like that and I won't be able to guarantee I'll be as nice as I am right now. Understood?" Her cheeks burn bright red and she nods with crooked glasses on.

I stand up and dust myself off not bothering to ask if she needs help. She shouldn't have climbed the gate in the first place! I hear a whistle behind me and turn around to the group of boys, only to find that the leader, Mr. God himself, Reeve.

His smirk plastered on his face and an amused glint in those grass green eyes. His mousy brown hair tousled giving him a sexy bed head look and his muscles bulging from his white Elite Academy polo shirt which is cuffed half way to expose his biceps. I bluntly check him out and scoff. Not my type.

"That's a nice ass you have." He says with a cheeky grin as all the boys nod in agreement. I get a few more whistles. I roll my eyes

"I can just feel your ego from over here. It's suffocating me." I glare at him. He chuckles.

"If you'd come to my room, that wouldn't be the only thing you'd be feeling."

I step closer to him with my eyes never leaving his. I make sure our body's touch as I lay my head into the crook of his neck and my hands find their way to the back of his neck.

"You're right, there's something else I want to feel." I say , my lips grazing his ear. I can feel him shudder from pleasure as I laugh mentally. Sucker.

In one swift movement, my knee connects with his balls and he doubles over in pain, cursing on the way down to the floor where trash like him belongs.

"See? We didn't even need a room for you to feel that! Bye asshole!" I say and skip back to the gates, the guys laughter still audible from behind me. I open the gates and grab my vest off the floor, return it to the bin, and sign my name on the sign out sheet.

Tired and ready to go home, I call Ash and twenty minutes of sitting and waiting alone in the box (Paula left immediately after her work shift ended which was fifteen minutes ago) and drumming my hands on the table, Ash pulled up to the gate and I hopped in as he drove me back to my place.

I strip and take a cold shower in the dark and curse under my breath because of my moms inability to do shit for this family. Afterwords, I remove my makeup and change into an oversized tee and let sleep engulf me.


Rens notes: Okay, so how was that? leave comments telling me what you liked about this chapter? anything I can do to fix it? typos? anything!? let me know!

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