HEELLLOOO my Unicorns how's everything? Well here is the new CHAPPIE yaaay now I hope you'll like it!!
*Ariel's P.O.V*
I opened my eyes quickly within a second I was in the corner of the room WHAT THE HELL! I turned around and saw in the mirror that my eyes were bright red OMG!!
''You having fun checking things out?" Said a familiar voice I turn around fast.
''What?" I said it took me less than 1 second to make it up to him.
''You haven't figured it out? Ariel your a VAMPIRE'' he sad keeping contact with me while he sat on a purple chair drinking a thick red liquid his eyes glowed red.
''Vampire? But vampires aren't real" I said.
" Ohh their not real? That's funny your eyes are glowing red, your speed increbably fast, you skin is nunormaly clear, your weight is prefect yet strong for a girl with no muscles, your hair will become more silky, your eyes will change color on what mood your in, and you can still go in the sun'' he said smirking. '' Ohh but vampires aren't real'' he said. I glared at him.
'' So it's real I'm a vampire?" I said putting my head down.
''Yup' he said popping the 'p' he got up and lifted my head up gently ''Ariel don't worry you'll get used to it soon trust me'' he said his eyes turning blue then I felt it the.....warm and happiness feeling. I suddenly planted my hand on the side of his face and pulled him forward and I gave him a kiss on the lips. I felt a big spark hit me inside.
'' I can't believe this is real'' I said and he smiled.
'' I know I'm sorry'' he said his eyes searching turning blue again. He looked at me and his eyes turned yellow. '' Ariel your hungry'' he said worried. '' When your eyes turn red your hungry. Since you just turned into a vamp you can't control your hunger you could snap...'' he stopped. My fangs slipped out of my gums I turned and ran out the door the woods within a mile second I ran down the woods I could hear bugs and birds from far away. I could see a bird in a tree miles away I could smell blood. I turned around and found Deer eating grass I smirked and went in position ten ran and pounced the Deer and sunk my teeth and pulled the Deer apart the blood oozing out covering me a little too. I drank and drank till I felt full. I wiped my face and ran then jumped back up. I saw Justin licking his lips and smirking.
''What?'' I asked confused.
''That was hot!'' Justin said smirking more.
''Wow who know a guy seeing a girl tear up an animal and drink it's blood and would '' that's hot'' haha'' I said grinning. '' I'm a vampire beautiful of course it would'' I started laughing. '' So weird'' I said.
'' Hey Justin whose the girl?'' Ryan and Chaz said smiling at me.
'' Their ones too?'' I whispered at Justin.
'' You mean a vampire? Yes we are'' Chaz said walking up to me fast and twirling my hair I pulled when I heard a growl.
''GRRR'' I turned at looked at Justin I walked up at him and hugged him tight. Justin calmed down his eyes turned from black to hazel. Chaz stepped away scared as shit.
'' Sorry bro didn't know she was your mate'' Chaz said they both did a hand shake and Ryan was involved too I just looked at them weird boys are weird right? Their mad at each other for a minute next best friends again!
'' Were awesome not weird!'' They all said together.
''STOP DOING THAT!'' I yelled.
''Stop doing what'' they said unsion.