poem 02

472 23 3

Puppet boy.
Puppet boy.
Won't you come and play?

Puppet boy.
Puppet boy.
All night and all day.

I tied the strings around your hands and feet,
and tried to make you dance.
I tried to make you run and jump
but your skills wouldn't enhance.

I painted your face,
all pretty and perfect.
But then the tears started flowing
and smudges were the aftereffect.

Puppet boy.
Puppet boy.
Won't you play with me?

Puppet boy.
Puppet boy.
A happy duo we will be.

You collapsed, in defeat,
tired and needing a rest.
But I kept pushing you harder,
trying to make you your best.

I knew you were special,
better than the others.
But you would achieve more
than any of your brothers.

Puppet Boy.
Puppet Boy.
Don't you want to help?

Puppet Boy.
Puppet Boy.
Or do you want to whelp?

"The performance is soon," I said.
"You must be ready."
"I will never perform for you,"
he responded with a voice unsteady.

"You are different than my other puppets,"
I said tenderly. "I like you a lot more."
"Well then," he replied, pondering my words.
"Why don't you let me walk out the door?"

Puppet Boy.
Puppet Boy.
Why are you trying to leave?

Puppet Boy.
Puppet Boy.
Before I reach what I want to achieve.

It was show time,
but Puppet Boy could not be found.
The star of tonight's show,
gone without a sound.

I ran to the dressing room,
and was horrified by what I saw.
You disappeared, Puppet Boy,
without seeing the crowd you draw.

You loosened your strings
and they fell off completely.
Puppet Boy, you threw 'em aside,
and left them there so neatly.

My greatest show yet and
It ended up suspended.
All because Puppet Boy
Didn't like the partner he befriended.

Puppet Boy.
Puppet Boy.
Will you come back to play?

Puppet Boy.
Puppet Boy.
On one fateful day.


/ author's note /

I needed to alter the poem to better fit the prompt of "Greatness lies in rising above the ordinary. Go for it." I thought this poem fit the prompt because the man wants the best show ever so he recruits the most extraordinary puppets he could find.

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