The meeting

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This was the 3rd time I visited the X-mansion. My best friend recently discovered her abilities and left me, to live amongst other mutants. She was my only friend in school. We were kind of outsiders, and the other kids used to bully us, but after one incident, between my friend and this kid from our class, they never dared bully us again. 

"hey Y/N!" my eyes wandered up the big staircase, and saw the familiar face, and brown hair with white stripes. "Hey Rogue, thought you'd forgotten I'd visit you today" I followed her up the staircase, and down the east wing of the mansion.

I'd come to love visiting Rogue. I was always welcome here, and it was amazing to meet all the other mutants with their individual gifts. I didn't have any gifts, and still felt like an outsider where I went, except for at the x-mansion. No matter how you looked like, or how you acted, or what your abilities were, you were accepted.

Me and rogue were having a conversation about her old classmates, on our way to her room, when she suddenly stopped up. "Sorry Y/N, professor X needs me at his office. He just told me. Can you just wait in my room, I'm sure it's nothing, I'll be back sooner than you know." I nodded at her, and she ran off, in the opposite direction. The hallway was nearly empty, except for some girls, younger than me, showing off their abilities. I continued the path down to Rogues room, ignoring one of the girls who'd suddenly turned green. When I turned left at the end of the corridor, I found myself in another corridor, full of wide windows, with the view of the x-mansions huge backyard. My walking slowed down, and my attention was caught by some kids playing down by the small lake. I sat down in the windowsill and stared down at them. It was beautiful to see how the mutants could play around, like they didn't have a care in the world, when out in the real world, everyone looked down upon them, like they didn't belong. 

I heard someone coming, and gazed down the corridor, to see a familiar blue colour, golden eyes and a long tail. "Kurt Wagner." I said. He obviously hadn't noticed me and seemed startled by my presence. "Now I was the one to surprise you." A smile curled on my lips, as I remembered the first time we met. First time I saw him, he suddenly teleported out of nowhere in front of me, and I literally bumped into him. He nearly startled me to death back then, and he apologized a thousand times. We fell into a brief conversation, before I had to go home. He wasn't someone I so easily forgot.

"You're back to visit Rogue?" He came to stand beside the window, his tail wagging. He was wearing a dark grey t-shirt, a red jacket and a pair of black loose trousers. You could see his cross neckless dangling from his trouser pocket. "Yeah, but she's gone to see professor X, so I'm just waiting here." He sat down beside me. "Do you mind?" He asked, his words pure german accent. "No, sit down." I said smiling. In the backyard, you could hear people applauding and I looked down to see that someone was juggling with books, without touching them. 

"Kurt, where were you before you got here?" His golden eyes pierced me, as he processed my question. "I lived in Germany. In a circus." "In a circus? Did you perform too?" "Yeah, I'm a good acrobat." It was so different from what I knew, it made my life seem almost boring. "wow. But how did the humans react to your looks?" "Zey zought it was a costume." He looked down at his three-fingered hands, and seemed to study them. "A very good costume then." He looked up, and I smiled into his vulnerable eyes. "You're not scared of my looks?" "No, why would I be?" "Well, I'm blue." He said pointing at his face. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Hey, blue is my favourite colour." This seemed to make him smile. "I only have 3 fingers." He looked down on his hands again. "Yeah, and I only have 5, thats so  unfair." I stretched my fingers out beside his hand, and studied the differences. His hand was much bigger than mine, and fingers wider than mine. When I looked at him, I noticed his eyes looking back and forth between our hands. I felt an urge to graze his hand, to feel the blue skin, on my fingers. "Hey.." I said softly. "There's nothing wrong with the way you look. People only look at you, cuz they've never seen anything like you." His eyes gazed into mine. My index finger grazed his hand, and caught him off guard.  "That doesn't mean you're not beautiful." He licked his lips, and stared at me like he didn't know what to say. "I didn't know humans could zink of a mutant like zat." He smiled truly for the first time, and looked down. I felt something brush my hand, and looked down to see his tail clutching the skin of my hand.

"Hey Y/N, sorry it took so long, he just wouldn't let me go so fast." I looked around to see Rogue walking down the corridor. She stopped up, and looked at the scenario before her. "I see you've met Nightcrawler." A smile curled on her lips, as I felt Kurts tail retreating. "yeah, not the first time." I got up, and caught up with Rogue. "Hope I'll see you again Kurt." I gave him a shy wave, and a smile. "You will, I promise." As me and Rogue continued down the hallway, I heard the familiar BAMF, and I knew he was gone.

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