chapter 4

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vinsa's pov

me: yes if course i will harry, you dont know how long i have been waiting for you to tell me those words. i love you harry

harry: i love you too vinsa 

and with that he kissed me, long and sweet. i ran up to hannah and jess and dragged them all to a corner i told them about what just happened with harry and they was soooo happy for us.

me: wheres sophie?

hannah: to follow louis, he ran out the door after he told the boys sophie was his sister

jess: but niall and sophie collided and it distracted everyone but louis carryed on running. i hope neither of the gets lost or gets hurt

sophie's pov


I called to him hoping he will hear me. i see a body in the woods. i ended up running in the woods.

me: louis? 

stranger: no im not louis im your biggest nightmare!

me: get away from me you big peice of shit

stranger: dont call me that u slag

me: dont call me a slag, i will win this argument and u will NOT kidnap me ok?

stranger: come here you little furball

i ran and ran and ran puffing, out of breath, i needed to find louis and get back to work.

louis's pov

i ran back to hmv, back to the guys only to find sophie not here

me:guys where is sophie?

niall: she was following you mate

harry: if you have lost her mate vinsa, hannah and jess are going to break down

liam: you need to find her NOW

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