You can only last for so long until you finally break

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North's point of view

"Mom you can't just do that to North! Easton is the first person that actually sees her for who she is! He is her only friend...besides me, but that is aside the point! I am also almost certain that if you even try to take North away from Easton he will lose it!" Flashing my eyes open I groaned rolling over and shoving my head into my down pillow. Trying to block out the sound of my mother and older brother arguing over something. Their voices only seemed to increase with every second that kept ticking by. Growling in frustration I grabbed my bedside table where I knew one of my books would be.

Please forgive me dear book. I thought

Raising my hand with the book in my grasp I threw it towards the door way. Smiling proudly when it hit the door with a loud bang. The voices stopped making me smile even more. Finally some peace and quiet.

"Ugh what the heck was that noise." A voice that I soon recognized as Easton's asked from beside me. Turning over I burrowed myself into his chest. Returning the favor he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me impossibly closer. Placing his head on top of my own.

"You smell like the forest and fresh rain? Or something similar to that I like it." He muttered tilting his head to look down at me. A hiss came from my other side. Twisting in Easton grasp my eyes connected with a pair of unnatural silver irises. Smiling widely I pulled the small black fur ball into my chest. His thick fur tickling my arms arising goosebumps.

"I don't care! I want that kid away from my daughter. He is going to tell her sooner or later and your father made me promise not to tell her until the time was right! Why do you think grandma doesn't come here anymore! Because I will not allow her to!..... Rick your father died trying to protect the two of you with his life... I can't lose someone else." My mother screamed. I froze stiff at the sound of her words.

7 year old North

"Daddy!?!?" I screamed sitting up in my bed. Fresh tears streamed down my face. The sound of three pairs of foot steps running towards my door frighten my already scared form even more.

My door slammed open, and three figures stood in the doorway. My father being one of them stood in the front his facial expression full of worry. Letting out a heart wrenching sob I jumped out of bed and ran to my daddy's open arms. Lifting me up he placed my head gently on his shoulder.

"Hey... hey... shh, it's ok princess I'm here." He whispered, softly rocking the two of us back and forth. Shifting from one foot to another. Trying to calm my petrified form.

"Nightmares?" His soft voice slowly calming my quaking form. Nodding my head I hugged him tighter, latching on like a baby monkey.

"They are just your mind playing tricks on you my princess. Just remember that ok." He said, making his way towards my bed. Sitting the two of us down with me in his lap. He placed his chin on top of my head.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered.

"Of course princess I will protect you till the end of time itself." He said.

"I will never leave you... Never in a million years." I fell asleep to his words.

End of flashback

Letting out a soft sob I curled my body into a fetal position with my back facing Easton. I could hear him asking me what was wrong. His voice holding so much concern it was overwhelming.

"He promised me."

"He promised he would never leave me." I cried to myself. It felt as if the walls started to close in on me. Wanting to suffocate me to death. Gasping for air it felt like my lungs had finally gave up. To tired to work or function any more.

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