Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Well, we can't start the back splash or the island for another few days, but we can rip off the wallpaper now?" I suggest to my dad as we get back home.

"Yeah, that sounds good." He replies.

We both go into the kitchen and begin ripping the wallpaper down. It comes off fairly easy, but there are tiny pieces all over that just don't want to come down.

"So, how's Jamie?" My dad asks suddenly, easing his way into conversation.

"She's doing really good. Her family just got home yesterday and she's been really happy."

"Oh, that's awesome! Good for her."


"And you guys? You're good?" He asks.

"Yeah, we're great actually. I really really love her dad."

"I know you do son. I'm really happy for both of you, she seems like a very good girl. You chose a good one."

I smile, "thanks dad."

We are silent for a few seconds, the only sound being the rips of paper.

"I'm thinking of getting a dog." My dad suddenly speaks up.

"That's great! What made you think of that?" I ask.

"I don't know really, Lorainne suggested it and I have been considering it. I had one when I was growing up and I have always loved dogs. Besides, it gets lonely here sometimes." I can't help but feel a little guilty at that, even though I was actually thinking of moving back in with him soon.

"That's great," I say, "if you actually decide to get one, let me know and I'll come help you pick one out."

"Thanks son." He replies, attempting to rip off another piece of the brown flower covered wall paper.

"You're welcome, how is Lorainne?" I ask, not wanting to end the conversation.

Instantly, his cheeks turn a shade darker, "what do you mean?"

"Aww, come on dad, I saw how you guys looked at each other. It's okay to like another woman."

My dad averts his eyes slowly, then sighs, "yeah okay. I do feel something for her. I don't know why, but when we met I felt this connection with her. I don't know if I would say that I like her, but there's some sort of feeling there."

I feel happy, happy that my dad can admit this, happy that he can finally move on.

"That's good dad, I'm happy for you. Maybe try to talk to her more? Ask her out? There's no harm in trying right?"

My dad sighs, "no, I suppose not, but come on, you really think she wants to date one of her patients?"

I don't know what to say to this, I mean that is sort of weird, but I have to say something so he will try. I need him to try.

"Come on dad, you can't think like that. Yes, you're her patient, but what if you weren't? What if you were just a guy she met say... in the store? The same feelings will still be there. It shouldn't matter what you are, what matters is who you are."

I can see my dad thinking, pondering my words as I rip another piece of wallpaper off.

"You know what? You're one hundred percent right. I think I'm going to do that. I think I'll ask her out."

"Good." I say as the same time as a knock on the door sounds.

My dad looks up at me, wallpaper in hand, with wide eyes.

"It's fine. You can do this. Just think of it as a normal session, don't even worry about liking her." I tell him, moving to open the door.

"Why, hello Noah. How have you been?" Lorainne asks, looking a tad bit surprised to see me.

"I've been well thanks, how about yourself?" I reply as politely as I can.

"I've been well too, thank you."

Lorainne smiles when she sees my dad.

"Hello John, nice to see you again."

He blushes slightly, "nice to see you as well Lorainne, glad you are doing well."

A light blush takes over Lorainne's face as well and I nearly begin grinning, "thank you John, and how have you been?"

"I have actually been very good lately."

Lorainne smiles, "that's wonderful, I see you're doing some remodeling?" She asks, waving her hand towards the kitchen.

My dad laughs, "yes, Noah and I decided today that it's time that our house is more up to date. My late wife loved vintage things, but now that I know what's going on I really need to change it up a bit." He says chuckling slightly.

Lorainne smiles sweetly, "again, I am very sorry about your wife. But you're right, it did need some serious work." She laughs at the end.

"Oh yes, we decided to start with the kitchen and work through the house from there."

"Very good idea." She comments.

"Thank you." My dad blushes again. Damn, I haven't seen him like this in so long. I'm really happy for him.

"You know, if you ever need help with anything, totally let me know, I love home renovations." Lorainne says.

My dad's eyes go side for a split second and I can tell he is trying hard tto resist the growing smile on his face as he replies, "I might just have to take you up on that offer. I kind of suck at picking out the right things."

"Well, you have my number if you need anything." She smiles, clearly relieved at his response.

"Do you guys want anything to drink or eat?" I ask, heading to the fridge.

"Um, just a water please." Lorainne says at the same time as my dad replies, "can I get a coke?"

"Sure." I reply.

I open the fridge, taking out two waters and a coke.

I set them at the table, in front of Lorainne and my dad.

"Thanks." Their voices chorus together and they laugh lightly. Oh wow, they are like teenagers.

Once they have both stopped laughing, Lorainne taps her clipboard, "let's start the session then."


The session goes way longer than expected, and it almost feels like a date that I am interrupting on, not a therapy session. When Lorainne tells is that she is running late for another client, my dad offers to walk her to the door, and I give him a subtle thumbs up. He nods, and I can see how nervous he is.

I don't hear anything for a while, patiently waiting for my dad to arrive. Ready to comfort him for bad news or congratulate him on good news.

When he comes back with a broad smile on his face, I can tell that the result was positive.

"Congratulations." I tell him.

His smile only gets bigger, "thanks son."

For the next few hours, we continue to rip down wall paper and start on new room ideas.

I hear a knock at the door and come face to face with Jamie. I take one look at her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks and instantly bring her into a hug.

I don't know who sent this cover to me, so if you're reading this plz let me know and I can give u a proper shoutout!

Anyways, thank you guys for over 35K that is huge for me, such an accomplishment, and #91 in teen fiction?!? That's crazy!! Thank you all and I really hope you're enjoying this so far.

Please check out my new book 'let it snow' if you haven't already. I have been working quite hard on it and would love some feedback:)

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