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   It is boiling hot, and yet the chills never stop.

   Everything unclear and color but a myth. The only glimmer of hope to hold on to was a comforting hand on her head which contradicts to a chilling voice of static. "...#eems #### er## Inter###i##...."

Images change in rapid light. A machine drops her from inside its beak, a syringe pokes its needle in her arm, a door...

The hand on Frisk's head rubs its thumb gently between her brows. A voice she has not heard wards off what was before her. "Do not be afraid, my child," says an elder lady's voice.

Light returns to Frisk.


    A haze of something white takes form. Frisk blinks hard, trying to distinguish who this person is, but something warm touches her mouth causing her to relax.

She feels the hand leaving her forehead to dig beneath her back. They assist her to sit up. The warm object slides to where a hollow rim is brought between her lips. Something sweet scented hits her nostrils and encourages her mouth to open. An earthy, lemony broth meets her taste-buds with a hint of honey; Thus explains the sweetness.

She gulps down the liquid and is given refuge to crackling fire, and a cushiony floor.

   Nothing more to drink, Frisk's hands rest on her lap, not feeling the familiar denim of her overalls but something softer replacing it.
   Having the strength to open her eyes, she sees a red duvet covering her legs.

Picking up the fine covering Frisk is greeted by a large hand coated in white fur placed on her tinny bare one, and hear's the same voice that had awoken her from the heart-pounding nothingness. "Please, rest. You have not fully recovered."

Her gaze travels from the paw-like hand trailing up an arm clothed in a white draped sleeve attached to a plumb colored robe and finds the owners face not to her expectation.

The paw looked to be a part of a predator like beast, but the head belongs to something entirely different only with matching color fur. A cow? No—A goat, perhaps?...Probably not.

Frisk's lower lip trembles out of worry. She brings her right hand to her mouth; Failing to hide her discomfort.

The gentle looking creature beams a smile to the human child and giggles. "I am Toriel," addresses the creature.

"Tor-iel," Frisk repeats the elder's name. "Like...a reference from a mentor?"

The creature nods. Her red irises bright as a smile forms — weary from age — by her jowls.. "Caretaker of the ruins," she continues. "I was passing by to see if anyone has fallen down here, and found you laying before that horrible thing," her demeanor turned to loathsome distain; Hatred toward those who dare bring despair onto others.

   Frisk involuntarily gasps in remembrance of what had happened. I hope this one doesn't turn on me too.

   Toriel reads the little human's mannerism and feels troubled. She raises her hands up in front of her, anxious. "Rest assure I mean you no harm. Not all monsters are bad." She pauses to rethink that statement with her hands folded to her chest in prayer as her gaze averts to the floor. "Hmm. Let me rephrase that." Still submissive, she faces the human girl. "Most monsters are quite nice...That's not right either." Taking a deep breath and slowly sighs, then, speaks calmly in defeat. "I suppose there is no point telling you to trust me." Her folded hands place on her knelt lap. She clears her throat so to gain composure. "Well, now that you are awake I shall prepare a bath for you so not to have those injuries get infected."

    Saying nothing, Frisk watches the monster lady stand up on her lion like feet. She is reminded of Sister Nona, in a way; How Toriel's floppy ears droop on the sides of her goat like maw almost look similar to a nun's veil, as well as her robe. Yet, sister Nona did not stand over six feet tall with a tail of an elephant's that sways as Toriel bends down to assist Frisk to stand up off the carpeted floor.

   "But first, let me show you where you can change your clothes." Toriel offers Frisk a warm paw to hold onto with her other paw supporting the young human's back.

   She leads Frisk through an entrance way that brought them to a foyer with a set of stairs going down on their left and a large red door to their right. They make their way through the foyer to enter a hallway with hard a wooden floor with yellow wall paper.

Toriel stops in front of the first door on the left. "A room of your own," she chimes, and gives Frisk a pat on the head. "I have a bath rob waiting for you to change into on the bed," she informs. "Once you are done, please call out to me. I will be getting your bath ready." She makes her way toward the end of the hall, to where Frisk assumes to be the bathroom.

    Hearing the hiss of a facet running after Toriel disappearing into the bathroom, Frisk enters inside her reserved room closing the door behind her.

   The dark wood floor complimented the red painted walls and a maroon blanketed bed adding a warm touch to the bedroom. Frisk finds the robe folded on the bed, like Toriel said there would be.


   The robe was soft but quite small. It seemed to have been made to fit a grade schooler. It's hem stopping above her knees and sleeves only covering her upper arms. At least it is wide enough to not rip.

   Frisk folds her cloths, stacking them by the side of the bed and opens the door to call out for Toriel in the bathroom. "Toriel?"

   Toriel exits out from inside the bathroom."Are you finished in there, Small One," she questions.


Toriel makes her way to her young guest.

Frisk widens the door for her host to enter.

   "Here," the monster lady bends to pick up Frisk's cloths. "I shall mend these back to their original look. Now, kindly follow me. I will show you to the facilities."

Frisk follows Toriel with little help and struggle as she walks down to the bathroom. What ever Troiel had given Frisk to drink must have helped ease her pain. Toriel opens the door to reveal a monster size tub only quarter full of warm water. The room smelled of oranges.

"I will be back to return your clothes to you." Before closing the door behind her, Toriel turns to the robed girl still standing in front of her tub watching her leave. "Be sure to clean yourself well with a washcloth before soaking in the tub until I return." Catching herself in the act, Toriel scolds herself for what she was saying. She plants a paw to her forehead. "Goodness gracious, me. What am I saying." Looking back at the human with a warm smile and lets out a hearty sigh. "I'm sorry, Child. Please, excuse my speech. It has been many years since I have met another human fall down here." Still embarrassed by her words, she slowly closes the door to leave. "I shall be right back," she says from the other side, followed by heavy pounding feet traveling in the direction of the main foyer.

UNDER♡TALE volume 1 (under hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now