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It's me. I am the monster that hurt this girl. But who am I? I am more scared now than I can ever remember being. I reach out to the whip carefully, and the leathery handle is the first thing my fingers touch. I recoil from what seems like a dastardly weapon to me.

My arms shake as I lift myself off of the ground. My legs tremble whilst I walk and my head aches to a point that is almost unbearable. I tilt my head upwards and glance at the girl. Once my eyes have fixated on her body, I cannot bring myself to look away. Her body is so damaged I am concerned whether she will be alive much longer.

I work up the courage and strength to take a few steps, this time looking ahead at where my feet are. I go up the step and into the large room where the girl is. I feel as though I'm being watched, and look around hoping not to find anyone lurking in the dark corners. When I'm convinced no one is in there but myself and this girl, I decide to study her more and see if she is familiar in the slightest. I pull off the silky black blindfold and I am mesmerised by her.

I cannot believe how strikingly beautiful she is. Long wavy dark hair and plump lips, with black lashes that brush gently against her thin cheeks. My eyes trail to her chest covered in dark purple and red marks. Her breasts are lovely round spheres with small nipples that are ever-so-slightly erect. I let out a small unintentional moan. My hand shoots to my mouth and I panic. Shit! What if someone heard? I shouldn't even be here! Why am I still looking at her? I couldn't help but stare at her. My eyes dancing all over her injured body, from her dainty bound hands, down her bruised stomach, over her thighs and small tuft of pubic hair, all the way down to her dangling feet.

As I am lost in her beauty, I hear a faint groan, and quickly see her head tilt a little. I hold my breath. Every instinct in my body is telling me to run, to get out of this nightmarish place before anyone knows what has happened here. But I cannot move. My legs seem to have planted themselves to the floor on which I stand. And so I stare. I stare at this broken masterpiece and wait.

Her eyes flutter open, and I see the deep blue of her irises peer into my soul. "M- max?" I hear her say, her voice feeble and weak. She looks me dead in the eye. "Why did you stop?" she says, a smirk growing on her pink lips.

Hope you all like this little add-on. If you'd like to see more, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do thanks to everyone for reading xox

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