The First Day at the Association

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"Welcome to the Grim Reaper Dispatch Association. Today is a big day, for you will be getting your spectacles and a partner to mentor you." William said to you, staring into your eyes.
"Oooooh, a new recruit! And another lady!" Grell hugged you in excitement.
"Grell, you aren't a lady.." William said coldly.
"Take that back! I am a lady!" Grell hugged you tighter. You tried to get away. A reaper, who was quite small and had orange and black hair, walked by to the counter.
"'Ello Will." The reaper said.
"Hello, Knox.." William said bluntly.
"A new recruit?" He asked.
You stared at him. He scrawled a phone number onto a piece of paper. He gave it to you, and you took it and went home. You blushed as you walked, looking at the phone number. It was sloppily written, but you could make each number out.
You went inside your house and sat on your bed.
'Am I falling in love with him? Should I call him?' You asked yourself in your mind. You picked up the receiver and dialed the number.
Ring ring, ring ring.
You waited for him to pick up. You twirled the wire between your fingers. Ronald got out of his shower and heard the ringing. He rushed over to it and picked up the receiver.
"Ello? Who's this?" He asked.
"(y/n), the new recruit from the Dispatch Association.." You said.
"Ah.." Ronald put the receiver down.
"Hello? Mister Knox?" You drummed your fingers on the night stand. Someone knocked at the door a while later. You got up to answer it. When you looked through the peep-hole, you could only see orange hair. You cautiously opened the door.
"Ello." Ronald stood there. He was holding twelve orange roses.
"Come in, Mister Knox.." You offered.
"Thank you." He gave you the roses, smiling. You blushed brightly, and you wrapped a scarf around part of your face to hide it.
"Aww, please take off the scarf.." He begged, tugging part of it.
"Noooo.." You refused. He took your glasses, rendering you blind. He removed your scarf and saw the blushing.
"Sorry if it's awkward for me to drop in randomly like this.. But I have some things to tell you." He guided you to your couch and sat you on his lap, making your spine shudder.
"C-Can I have my glasses back?" You reached for them, but ended up touching his hand. He grabbed your hand and held it. You blushed.
"I'm your new partner and mentor." He said.
"B-But you said 'things..'" You sat, crossing your legs. You felt something on your lips, and you could now see once it was over.
"W-What was that???" You asked.
"I love you. Be my girlfriend?" He blushed.
"Y-Yes.." You said, blushing. He would be your first boyfriend. He leaned closer to your face and stared into your eyes. He hugged you tightly and gave you a passionate kiss. Your first kiss..

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