First Date

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You woke up to the phone ringing. You picked up the receiver.
"Hello? Are you up?" It was Ronald.
"Wha.. Why are you calling so early?" You asked, yawning.
"Just wanted to say I love you.." It was the second time Ronald said that. You hung up, too nervous to speak. You went into the kitchen to make breakfast, but it was already made.
"Did someone break in just to make breakfast??" You asked and looked around. You heard running water from upstairs. You went to investigate, but the bathroom door was locked. You heard a loud thud. You kicked down the door and saw Ronald, who was crying in pain. Luckily the towel fell onto him.
"Ronald!" You yelled.
"It huuuurts!!!" He cried.
"What hurts?" You wrapped the towel around him and helped him up.
"I think I broke my arm." He was still in tears. You closed your eyes and helped him put on some pants.
"You didn't have to..." He sniffled. You dried off his arm and bandaged it for the moment.
"I had to.." You felt where the bone was fractured.
"We should get you to a doctor.." You put a pink shirt on him, since it was the only clean one you had that would fit him. You helped him outside and held his hand as you both walked to a doctor.
"It still hurts.." Ronald whined.
"We're almost there." You told him. He got a cast on his arm, and you took him somewhere so he'd feel better.
"Come on, Ronald.." You got him a shirt to cover the cast. He hugged you tightly.
"Thanks.." He said.
"Please, stay at my house so you can get better." You set up a room for him and left him to get settled in.

Ronald Knox x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now