Who would have thought?

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"Thank you".

I just couldn't believe my ears, or that I those words left my lips. And from the look of pure shock from Zero's face he couldn't either.

However, my surprise changed into a deep desire to punch the bastard's face when he flashed me that typical smug and false smirk of his.

"You're welcomed... but what for?" he asked me, and for the first time I was able to see something honest in him.

I didn't care that it was curiosity but that there was something that showed me who he was, even if it was only a bit.

"When I went to thank Jude for telling Lionel about Jelena's and Terrence's plan about replacing me, he told me something quite curious" I answered, and raised an eyebrow when I saw something flash through Zero's expression. It was unreadable but true, however I ignored it and continued speaking "He told me that I should thank you cause you were the one that told them about their scheme".

"Oh... that" he said under his breath with a deep sigh.

He looked as if he was suffering. Normally I would think that he was like that because one if his schemes didn't go as planned. However, I saw that look in his eyes. The same look that I see each time I look at myself on the mirror whenever I think about Ahsha and how idiot I was for letting her go.

"Why did you do it?" I questioned him, now it was my time to be curious.

"Why did I do what?" he replied, smirk back on place and closing off.

Why does he do that? Why does he not show his true self? I asked myself in my head.

Since when do you care? a voice at the back of my mind snapped at me.

Since he saved my career in the only team I want to play at, I replied before focusing back on my conversation with Zero.

"Don't act like an idiot or treat me like that, Zero" I warned him with an appraising look "Me gone from The Devils would have been your opening to be team captain and star".

"I am already a star" he replied with a cocky smirk and straightened his jacket before throwing his bag over his shoulder "And I have no obligation of answering that question. But just for your information it was for personal reasons".

He headed towards the door of the locker room, clearly finishing the conversation. However, I don't appreciate being cut off or ignored. Also, I always have the last word!

"And by the look on your face it didn't go right" I commented, stopping him on his place "Didn't get the recompense you wanted?".

I almost stepped back from the rage in Zero's face. I would never admit it but the over protectiveness and anger in his eyes scared me.

"Like I said before, I didn't do it for you or for me. I-did-it-for-personal-reasons!" he said through gritted teeth, accentuating his words carefully to be sure his message gets through.

I knew that I shouldn't push it anymore. That Zero was at his limit, but I did it anyway. I pressed on the issue.

"In other words you did it for Jude" my words froze him, he looked like a deer at the headlights. It was kind of funny "You did it so he would forgive you whatever you did to hurt him, but it wasn't enough. You did it because you are head over heels for him, and you need him in your life because you are completely miserable right now. Yes, we all noticed it. But no one knew why until now...".

I was cut off when Zero dropped his bag and pushed me against the nearest wall. He was grabbing me by the neck of my shirt with a grip of iron, and glaring at me with all his hater... no, not hater. But fear, fear of what? Of coming out? No, of showing something true about himself.

And why do you know so much about your enemy number one? The same voice of before nagged me once more.

Because you need to understand your enemy to know how to fight them better, I replied, As it is said, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

But be aware that when you finally understand your enemy you'll end up liking them. Warned me, what I think it's my awareness. After all, humans only hate what they don't understand.

"Don't say a damn word, ok?" he threatened me, snapping me back from my thoughts. We stayed like that for a while, just staring in anger at each other's eyes until Zero broke the silence "How did you discover it?".

"You have the same look" I told him slowly. Unsure of how to proceed, Zero was like time bomb about to explode "The same look that I have whenever I think about Ahsha".

Silence rang around us once again after I said my words. Zero finally let me go and moved to sit at a bench. I stayed standing and leaning against the wall.

Once again, was Zero the one that spoke first "Is it that obviously?".

"No" I replied and sat next to him "We all knew that there was something wrong with you, but no one was able to discover it yet. I just knew and understood you expression, connecting the dots was easy afterwards".

"Ja... be careful with what you say or you'll sound as if the team cares for me. And even worst, that you care!" he chuckled humorlessly.

"We do" I said so low that it was almost a murmur.

"What?" he asked me clearly surprise.

"The Devils are and have always been a family, even in the Devil's time" I answered him "We were worried about you, even if it takes all my pride to admit caring for a self-centered prick like you" I joked making him laugh a bit "You are pushing yourself too much during training and the matches. Even Pete has been getting worried, and he is the principle person to push us to our limits. We wanted to know what happened or who hurt you so much that you had to burry yourself at training, so we could beat someone for hurting our brother".

"Brother? You hate me Derek, or did you forget that?" Zero said with a confused frown.

Yes, did you? asked me my awareness slyly.

If it had a face I am sure it would be giving me a 'I-know-something-you-don't' look and a cocky smirk.

Shut it! I snapped at my awareness and turned back to talk to Zero.

"I am the team captain Zero. I am like the oldest brother of our strange and big family. I have to make sure that the little ones know how to behave and what to do. Even if I end up being the bad boy. Do you really think that you are the only one with a bad relationship with me?" I questioned him.

"Jules and Albert" he said, as if he had made a huge discovery... and maybe he had.

"Yes, they became your friends so fast because they knew what it meant to be under my constant look. I am hard with all of you because if I am not then the media will eat you all" I said and then confessed to him "At the beginning it was true that I hated you and never considered you part of the family. Not that anyone ever noticed it, they did treat you as a brother thinking that I was just acting as the bad boy until you start behaving correctly. But...".

"That was never your intention" finished Zero "You would have continued being a bad boy even if I started behaving good".

"Would do have?".

"No! I am who I am, screw the rest!" he snorted.

"Except when they know that you are gay. Except when they see the true you" I replied with a smirk "My cousin is gay Zero. She had and has to support a lot of crap from people, but ever since she came out is like a weight was lifted from her shoulders".

"So that's why you started seeing me as a little brother" he commented. He stood up, picked up his back and walked towards the door only to turned his head around when he reached the exit "You are not that bad Derek... and don't worry it is clear that Ahsha is still hung up on you".

My heart skipped a beat at the idea of my loved one still loving me. That Zero tried to give me support on the most complicated and hard issue in the actual moment of my life, helped me making a difficult decision.

He was about to leave but I stopped him again with a simple phrase "Would you want to tag together to get rid of Jelena and Terrence?".

Now he turned completely to face me "Would you really for against your best friend?".

"Ex-best friend. What he did is unforgivable" I replied.

"And you think I won't".

"You have principles that you follow, even when you are scheming" I answered the unasked 'Why?'.

"That is another reason why I didn't go along Jelena's and Terrence's offer" he said with an amused smirk "It wouldn't be fun having no one to scheme against or with inside the team. If I become the star of The Devils would be because of my own personal effort, not because I cheated".

"Another reason why I chose you to be my partner in crime" I added, making him chuckle "So, are you in?".

"Count me in, bro" with that said he left the lockers room with an honest smile.

Who would have thought I would become friends with Zero? I thought with a smile of my own.

Watch it Terrence we are coming after you! 

New friends and allies part 2 [Hit The Floor] {The wake up call Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now