Let's see what my future holds for me

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"Not bad Derek, Zero. Keep working together as good as you are doing now and we'll have next championship in our pockets" praised us Pete, before shouting to everyone: "Take five!".

I threw an arm around Zero's shoulder and ruffled his hair, he shooed my arms away and punched (friendly) me on my shoulder. We both laughed happily and carefree, we weren't two professional basketball stars that were trying to best each other but two friends just having fun doing what they love. The rest of the team patted us on our back and congratulated us for our hard work. I raised my gaze and watched with a satisfied smirk how Terrence was seething angrily at me... well, more specifically at Zero and me.

"We'll still meet at your place tomorrow, aren't we?" Zero said, lowly enough that I'll be the only one hearing it.

"Yes, we still have a lot of things to plan if we want to defeat them" I replied.

Ever since we both got in accord to leave our differences away and work together to ruin Jelena's and Terrence's plans on buying the team, things had never been better between the team. It was as if Zero was the missing peace we needed, and me getting along with him was the thing we needed.

However, I noticed something else. Something I would never admit out loud. We needed Terrence back, only then the team would be finally complete. Sometimes I just couldn't stop myself and think about how good the three of us, Zero, Terrence and me, would have been. Not only as a team, but as best friends.

I admitted that to Zero on Saturday, after a lot of beers and half bottle of whiskey, and got a sympathetic smile "It is normal, after all you both are best friends since... I don't know how long. But surely a lot".

"Were" I corrected him "We aren't anymore" he just laughed drily "What are you laughing about?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"That kind of friendship can't be broken so easily, you are angry now but in a few days he'll come back with a very good excuse for you to forgive him and then everything will be fine" he answered with a twisted smile "I just wish that things with Jude could be like that".

"What did really happen between you and Jude?" I asked curiously "You never told me exactly".

"He... he gave me an ultimatum and then when I did something good to earn his forgiveness back I ruin things again. I always ruin everything I touch!" I was shocked at how much honesty I was getting from him.

But what else did you expect? He is hammered, just like you. I commented in my head.

"What was that ultimatum?" I pushed a bit more, slowly not wanting to scare him off.

"He wanted a relationship. A normal, cheesy and romantic relationship" he replied "I don't do relationships. I never thought that someone could love me" I never thought my heart would ache for Zero, but it just did. He looked like a little boy who was lost... and maybe he was "And then Jude came crushing into my world. A light, a pure hearted boy that wants me for me, who doesn't want Zero the superstar... just me" I felt a twang of pain in my heart at the look of wonder in Zero's face. A look that showed how amazed he was about this whole situation, as if he couldn't believe this was really happening to him "But I had to ruin thing, as I always do" he frowned and glared at the ceiling "It is better like that, I would have ended up hurting him. Better early than late".

He was sprawled on my couch, an arm resting on his forehead and the other on around the whiskey bottle. I stood up, snatched the bottle from his hand and sat on the floor leaning against the couch.

"I want you to never speak like that again" I ordered him and took a sip of the poison that burnt my throat but brought me back alive "You are a Devil, Zero. We get whatever we want and will always win. I'll help you get back with Jude and you'll be the best boyfriend he ever had. We will make sure that he never forgets you and that he'll be ruined for other men. Ok?".

He blinked at me, I could easily notice that I surprised him with my small encouragement speech "Ok" he simply replied.

"Then sleep the stupidity off" I ordered him and dragged him towards the guest room.

I slept on and only woke up at two o'clock on Sunday. I wasn't worried about that, during week-ends I normally sleep on. However, not finding Zero anywhere my house and him not answering my calls did.

He surely is only embarrassed at how much he confessed last night, I assured myself mentally and went for a run.

I passed Saturday like any other day whenever I don't have to work, on bed eating take outs and watching a re-run of Bones. I was able to forget about my concern about Zero and the bad feeling I was having. But it came back when I entered the lockers room the next day and noticed that the only one that was missing was Zero.

"Jules! Albert!" I called out for the best mates of Zero in the team, not counting me. They turned around to face me "Where is Zero?".

"You don't know?" asked Jules surprised "It was all over the news on Saturday".

Saturday, the same day that Zero vanished. I thought my worry increasing.

"I didn't watch the news" I replied.

"Jude Kinkade was stabbed Friday night, he is in bed rest for at least a week" I almost gasped at Albert's words "Zero called Pete today and stated that he wasn't coming. He is staying at his ex-manager's apartment to help him out. Lionel being his step-mother allowed this and warned Pete of the consequences of going against her" he chuckled a bit at the end "Who would have thought that Pete was still sacred of his ex-wife?".

"But really, I didn't know that Zero and Jude were that good friends? I always knew that there was something strange about them, but lately they haven't talked too much" commented Jules, gaining an affirmative nod and grunt from Albert.

They continued talking but I didn't stay to know what did they say, I left the lockers room and took my phone ready to call Zero and ask if he was right. If Ahsha was the one stabbed I would be like crazy.

I stopped only when she called out of me "That won't be necessary, Derek. Gideon is fine".

I turned around and looked at Ahsha confused "Gideon?" I asked her.

"I have a lot of things to discuss with you" she told me with a sigh and tired smile "But not here. Let's go to Lionel's office".

Lionel's office? Why would she want to go there? I thought, confusion only increasing by the passing minute.

"I'll explain it to you there" she assured me, guessing what was passing through my head thanks to my expressions "Are you coming?".

If you ask me like that I have no opportunity to refuse, I commented in my head knowing when I am defeated.

"Coming" I replied and followed her through the corridors of the Arena.

Let's see what the future holds for me.

New friends and allies part 2 [Hit The Floor] {The wake up call Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now