Getting to know US and Ink

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Your pov

So all the 'AUs' were crashing at Sans's place,and I decided to make friends with them. Soon,i was outside with Underswap Sans,or Blueberry,and Ink Sans,or Ink. " you like art?" Ink asked me. I nodded as my response. He nodded back. Blueberry looked at me. "Hey human! Let's play a game!" Blueberry said cheerfully.

Blueberry grabbed some snow and threw it at me. It hit me in the face. Ink chuckled at this,but I gave him a push and he faceplanted the ground. I giggled.

"SNOW WARS!" Ink and Blueberry said. Blueberry had stars in his eyes. I giggled at this.

Soon all our fun was up and we just sat in the snow. I started to hum a song. Ink looked at me and started to hum too. Blueberry finally joined after a few minutes.

Blueberry pov

I lied in the snow,humming to a somewhat familiar tune. I turned to Y/n,a blush forming on my cheekbones. I looked away. W....was I falling for a human? From a different universe?

Your pov

I looked at Blueberry to see he had hearts in his eyes.

I snapped my fingers to get his attention. Looked like he spaced out...

I finally got his attention. "Finally,your back to earth!" I pushed him into the snow and giggled.

Ink pov

I saw that Blueberry got more attention than me! That made me boil up inside.....'stay sane' I thought to myself. do....I love Y/n..... I will protect her from anyone and anything.

A/n : anotha yandere!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH YEAH! THE ACTION IS RISING!!!

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