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Hello there, My dear readers.

As you all know, I will be writing a new book. The Title is: Red Strings. Yes, I know. I'm starting a new book before I finished the other two. Well, It's not exactly like that. I have finished both of my books, well the first part of them anyway, And have them saved in my Computer. So Not to worry. I will be updating.

Except, there is one thing I should warn you about. His Jewel, Is a book I re-did, But never posted the New, Redone chapters. Reasons are quite simple, and I shall reveal them to you:

Firstly, My laptop has died, and I need to reboot it.

Secondly, If I wanted to reboot it, I'd be forced to delete all the memory on it.

Thirdly, To be frank, I haven't had time to reboot it, so I'm trying to find sometime to.

And Last but not least, I want to save all the memory or try and gain access to it so I could get the chapters out of it, and then post them.

I am truly sorry, But these little silly reasons, are the reasons I can't post any of the Chapters of His Jewel anytime soon.

To get back to the main Subject, which is This book, I will give you a hint before the first chapter about what's it about. 

The book follows 6 Ninja's, from the Takigakure, on their journey to become Joinin. To gain that they go through alot of Hardships, and trials. But it will all be worth in the end.

Now, You might think: What does that have to do with Naruto? A lot, actually. If you read the story carefully, from the beginning from the moment I post the first chapter, I think you will understand. And after all, There are the Chunin exams, So.. Are you ready for My Second Naruto FanFiction? If so: Vote/Fan/Comment!

I can't wait to post the first chapter of this story, I'm so excited. 'Till The first chapter, my lovelies, Take care.

~Kaji ♥

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