Chapter 3-Elijah King

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Even though my husband had apologized things were still not one hundred percent. He was still acting...distant. By Monday morning I kissed him goodbye and off to work he went.
I asked one of our good friends Sarah Thomson to babysit for the week until I found a nanny. Thank God she agreed because I didn't want to call Mr. Bratton and tell him I couldnt take the job.
"Thank you so much again, Sarah. You are a life saver. If you need anything just call me or Dominic. I wrote their daily routine down, just in case you forget anything." I was telling her as I downed my last cup of coffee.
"Oh you're welcome, it's no problem." She said, blue eyes smiling at me. Her short blonde hair was cut just past her jaw. Everything about my friend was just...gorgeous.
I smiled back at her and grabbed everything I needed. "Harper should be here by noon. So don't freak out if they show up." I said and walked towards to the door to leave. God I was nervous. Not about teaching again, that was exciting. Nervous because I hadn't left Sean or Michaels side in almost three years. "Okay, I'm gonna go Hun." I said, kissing both my babies and thanking her again before leaving.
Talk about a blast from the past. I was looking into my old classroom, it was emty and whoever had it now had changed it around. I missed my old students, but they were already in third grade.
Finally after a little reminiscing I continued on to Mr. Bratton's office. I remembered how much I had hated him when he fired me. I didn't have time, however, to hold grudges, especially since the old hag was now my boss again.
When I walked into his office he was sitting behind his desk. Everything looked exactly how it had three years ago. He hadn't changed. He still was wearing those awful vests. I couldn't help but notice the only thing gone was his wedding band.
"Mr. Bratton." I said and he looked up. He wasn't alone. A young looking man was there sitting in the chair in front of his desk. He as well turned and looked at me in the doorway.
"Amelia..." Mr. Bratton said, standing up from his chair and coming over to me. It really surprised me when he grabbed my shoulders and hugged me. "How are you? Looking as lovely as ever." He said and I forced myself to smile. Didn't know he was even capable of a little affection. But seriously, that hugging shit had to go.
"I'm great. Thank you so much for offering me this job."
"I'm sorry it was on such short notice. This is the superintendent, Elijah King." Mr. Bratton Said and the other man got up and came to us. I had to admit, in my entire three years of marriage I didn't ever 'check anyone out' but I did now. Elijah King was tall, dark, blonde and those eyes were as green as forest trees.
"Hi, it's great to meet you." I said and he shook my hand.
For the next thirty minutes I did paperwork with Mr. Bratton
"Elijah will show you to your classroom now. It's nice to have you back Mrs. Simmons."
The walk there was actually quiet. Occasionally I would glance up at the Mr. King and he would look right back down at me. I checked my phone, it was eight and students would be coming in any minute now, if I remembered correctly.
"Here we are." We stopped in front of classroom "M" and he opened the door, letting me enter first.
I expected him to leave after that but he didnt, making me shift nervously on my feet.
"How long have you been teaching?" Mr. King finally asked as I sat my things on my desk and wrote my name on the chalk board. I glanced over at him. His eyes were not on my face and I quickly turned to face him.
"Um...well I haven't taught in three years but before that it was four years and then I met my husband, here actually. We have two boys, twins." I nodded my head slowly, looking across the room at him. He really didn't need to be looking at me like that.
"Lucky man." Was all he said before leaving me alone. Was he flirting? I seriously hoped not because my husband would fucking murder him. But Dominic wasn't here, was he?
When lunch time rolled around I lined my new students up and walked them to the cafeteria. They were something else, every single one of them had wonderful personalities and they were excited to have a new teacher. Even though summer break was a month away. Thankfully Mr. Bratton had let me do the paperwork for next year.
When all my students had their trays and sat down I did the same. As I ate a ham sandwich my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Harper.

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