in this chaper aaliyah gets to do a little bit more
(Aalyah) dad: are you still mad
Aaliyah: yes
aaliyah mother: good morning
Mike: good morning
Aaliyah mom: aaliyah you have. A Singing. pratice
aaliyah: I been thinking about adoping a kid
Aaliyah mom: aaliyah you are only 17 years old
Aaliyah dad: she can have one kid that is it
Aaliyah:smiling ear to ear
aaliyah dad: we will do it first thing in afthernoon
walking up stairs aaliyah smiling ear to ear
Aaliayh: wow I get what I want yeah it came the afthernoon
Aaliyah: ready to go
Aaliayh mom: lets go
They went to the adopted center.
Aaliyah: wow can I adop twoAaliyah dad: yes
Aaliyah mom: wow lets sigh in
It all come down in next chaper
This is. New twins names are amri and ramri they aRe both girls
Aaliyah Life Story
ActionAll about how aaliayh wants to Date r.Kelly bit her mom and dad and brother does not like it what does it. Go from there????????????