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"Today's the day" I squeaked giving Tristan a bone crushing hug.

"I can't wa-it" Tris sang and I laughed.

As an extra Christmas present all the gang got tickets to L.A for two weeks.

James had bought Cecilia a ticket. Summer and Dara hadn't really worked out but she'd got talking to Michael from 5sos and they were quite close now, but he wasn't coming on the holiday. It wasn't about being with your partner, this holiday was about us all being friends.

Me and Tristan ran around our apartment making sure that we had everything packed.

My mum was minding Maisie while we were away.

"Knock, knock, knock" my best friend Rikki called through the door, not knocking on it at all.

I chuckled slightly and put my backpack on me and grabbed my multicoloured leopard print suitcase and my guitar case and Tristan grabbed his but his suitcase was in a greyish colour.

I swung the door open to see Rikki in lip lock with Connor.

"What a wonderful welcoming" Tris muttered sarcastically under his breath.

I laughed and locked up while tris grabbed our suitcases and ran to the large car awaiting.

I jumped in the car and grinned at Connor and Summer.

"Let's go to L.A" I cried.


I was next to Tristan and some random girl on the aeroplane. The girl was sixteen maybe and didn't make any effort to talk, she just closed her eyes and put in her ear phones for the entire 10 hour flight...

At first me and Tristan spammed everyone else on snapchat with... Very attractive selfies. Some of them ended up on twitter and Instagram, thanks Brad.

Then we listened to music together.

Tristan fell asleep at ten pm, two hours into our journey. I took a selfie with my sleeping boyfriend as his head was rested on my shoulder and then posted it online.

Then I followed a few people on twitter, replied to a few tweets and favourite some. I went on Instagram and did the same.

I got bored and I wasn't tired at all so I began to jot down song lyrics, sing a tune in my head.

"Gimme your heart boy I'm not gonna let go, out of the dark gonna love you retro. My lonely days were countless, you came my way and now" I sang lightly jotting down some music notes in my song book. I really needed to get my hands on my guitar.

The trip was a holiday but also a chance to write some music and be inspired by things surrounding us. We'd also be doing some interviews trying to set ourselves in America. The vamps were already pretty big but us girls weren't known so well.

I fell asleep and then woke up a couple of hours later with Tris beside me, wide awake and reading my song book which I must have left open on my lap when I fell asleep.

"No Trissy" I moaned.

"Trissy? Oh god Bri you must be tired. Or you only call me that when you really want something" he said raising an eyebrow at me.

"I want my song book back" I moaned, super tired and not bothered to move.

"I like the newest one, you've gotta play it for me sometime" Tristan said with a wink, knowing it was about him.

"Well first I need to compose the music, I only wrote it on this plane ride" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"My sister used to call me titty..." Tristan said smiling at me.

"I'm hoping it was Millie" I giggled, sitting upright.

"She couldn't say Tristan, tris or Trissy so she called me Titty... She actually still does... Sometimes... When my friends and girlfriend aren't around" Tristan laughed into my hair which was in a fishtail braid. He then kissed my temple.

"I love you Bri" he smiled and I grinned and rested my forehead against his. "I love you more."

"I love you most" he said happily kissing me softly.

Almost everyone on the plane was asleep so we quietly took loads of selfies using funny effects and spammed everyone on iMessage.

We fell asleep once again, my head on Tristan's shoulder my his head rested on mine. Our hand we intwined.


I woke up to a blinding flash and instantly groaned and opened my eyes to see my brother evilly grinning at the two of us.

"How long left?" I yawned stretching which caused Tristan to topple over sideways, ontop of Brad in the aisle.

I let out a laugh as Brad squirmed around and Tristan stayed sound asleep.

"About half an hour, I should get back to my seat" Brad mumbled.

"Tris" I said shaking his shoulder lightly. "Tristan."


"Tristan" I said with my voice louder this time and he still stayed sound asleep.

"TITTY" I yelled, earning disapproving looks from some passengers.

Tristan groaned,"Millie, stop calling me that."

"It's Bri" I giggled.

"Why am I so uncomfortable?" He mumbled.

"Because you're ontop of me" Brad huffed and I snapped a quick picture of the two of them.

Tristan got off groaning, he wasn't the best when he was tired.

I laughed and grinned, peering over the girl beside me who was asleep and out the window.

"We're almost here" I grinned and Tristan smiled at me.

"Bri, I'm making this the best holiday you've ever had" he smiled at me and I grinned. "It's actually my first time on a plane."

"What?" Tristan gasped, over dramatically.

I giggled,"The care home couldn't afford anything bar trips to the country side."

"Well Brianna, I'm going to make this your best holiday ever" tris whispered to me, putting some of my hair that was sticking out behind my ear.

"I love you Evans" I chuckled.

"I love you too Evans" tris yawned and I smiled and began to play with his hair which was held down with an orangey coloured bandana.

"One day, one day you will be mrs. Tristan Evans" Tristan mumbled kissing my forehead.

I grinned at him,"One day."


The hotel that we were staying in was right on Santa Monica beach. The view was absolutely breathtaking.

I latched my fingers through Tris'. "Can we please go to the beach already?" I begged.

"Bri, it's half nine. We need to eat plus I've jet lag so tomorrow?" He replied shooting me a sorry look.

"It's okay, I'm wrecked as well. Let's just order some chips and burgers from room service. I'm not bothered to move" I mumbled flunking down onto the double bed in our room the was over looking the beach.

"Okay, I'll order now and then get ready for bed and we can have dinner in bed" tris winked and I grinned.

I found a pair of soft cotton red plaid pyjama shorts and then I had my team Evans shirt on. I pulled my hair out of a plait and left it wavy. I decided I'd leave my unpacking for another time and I guess Tris had the exact same idea.

As strange as it sounds me and Tris were wearing the same sort of pyjamas. He had his team Evans top on and red plaid pyjama bottoms. We thought this was twitter worthy so we snapped a quick picture and posted it online.

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