Chapter 12

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After we ate our spaghetti, leaving all of us impressed that Papyrus didn't set the stove on fire, we all just decided to chill on the couch. Sans and Papyrus are sitting on either side of me watching TV, while I sit in the center, deep in thought. About the whole Underground thing. Toriel had explained to me that the monsters could only be free if the King had 7 human souls, and how they have 6 now. Undyne had been sent out to kill me, she wasn't a threat on her own. She was just doing her job, right? Surely. Now, my main thought is, who is the threat? Chara? Flowey? Even though I'm pretty sure he's long gone. Asgore, maybe? Judging by the dreams I've been having, maybe it's--

No. Sans is not a threat. He would never hurt me. Ever.

.... At least, I don't think so...

" Kiiiid? " Sans' voice rings in my thoughts, and I finally register his presence, directing my attention to him.
" Huh? Yeah? " My head shoots up and I can see his face.
" I said that Paps told me to tell you he was going to Undyne's for a while, " He replies. Smiling, I nod, making him chuckle. " So, hey, kid, I've been meaning to ask ya... Wanna go to Grillby's? " I grin.
" We just ate, " He laughs, kind of facepalming over himself.
" Yeah, but I mean- uh, well I know we just ate, but- well, wait that doesn't,- um I meant like- I guess what I meant- ugh, I mean like, sorta-- "
" You mean, like a date...? " I help him pick his words. He seems relieved, a tint of blue on his face, covering his eye sockets with his hands and grinning.
" Yeah. Yeah that's what I was getting at, " My (E/C) eyes widen, and we both laugh, a kind of awkward atmosphere surrounding both of us. Holy shit it's happening, I think as I find myself red in the face. " I-If you don't want to, that's cool- "
" Sure, Sans, " I interrupt, staring at the floor to hide my blushing face but smiling all the same. " I'll go on a date with you. " From the corner of my eye, I see him trying to hide his sky blue face behind the fur of his hoodie, and I secretly grin to myself, thinking it's cute.
" C-Cool, " He says. " Hey, uh, I gotta get back to work. "
" Oh, okay. Seeya, " I smile, his face turning bluer before he teleports away. Welp. I guess I should get out.

Stepping out into the cold of Snowdin, I decide to explore the rest of the Underground, to a degree. So I continue past the garage and through the strip of cleared forest. Being in the location still makes me shudder and freeze up. My knees buckle and I almost fall, but I catch myself and regain balance. The nightmare comes flooding back into memory, and I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes and one roll down my (S/C) cheek. I would never want to hurt anyone, never... For a split second, I almost see a replay of my nightmare, a glimpse of an imaginary Sans, ready to kill me. But it's not real.

As I swipe some snow off my shoulder I make my way down the path further, until I reach a cavern. A lot like the cave on Mt. Ebott, crystals of light blue and lilac purple dot the landscape. Waterfalls compliment the relaxing and tranquil atmosphere and flow into the lake, creating an endless cycle. The rock walls, ceiling, and floor all vary between dark grey and different shades of purple, and little sparkly wisps fly around in clusters, swarming around me for a second then dashing off in the direction they were going. This place is so pretty, I think as I look around. I hear people up ahead so I go to investigate. Upon further discovery, I find another station, like the one near the door to the ruins, but this one has Sans sleeping on it. Giggling, I quietly walk to him, seeing how everyone else kinda left. Then I boop his forehead, a big grin on my face as he wakes up quickly, still groggy.
" Hiya Sansy! " I laugh, and he seems confused but happy to see me.
" Hey (Y/N), what's up? " He asks, sitting up.
" Well, I decided to wander around a bit while you were gone at work, " I don't have the heart to say ' Because eventually I'm gonna have to leave and know my way around ', so I leave that part out.
" Ah. Well business is slow today, " He says. So I walk around the station and park myself next to him. " What're you doing? "
" Keeping you company, " I smile, earning a blush from him and a grin as usual. We sit at his sentry station for hours, telling puns back and forth, joking around, and laughing, acting like we have nothing better to do, because we don't. Nobody came to the station all day, and that was fine by both of us.

By the end of his shift, we still don't want to head home, so we walk through Waterfall, saying dumb things into the echo flowers as Sans told me they were called. Then we begin laughing as we watch others in the distance hear the flowers and have confused looks on their faces. We're both in tears when I say,
" This is the best, " I wipe my eyes. Sans seems to silently agree, still chuckling, and he looks at his phone.
" Shit, we gotta get home if we don't want Paps to worry, " He says, and I nod, standing up and beginning to walk back toward Snowdin. I feel a hand grab my wrist and before I can turn around there's blue everywhere and my breath is taken away. Then, we're in the Skelebro's front lawn. I begin to feel sick to my stomach.
" How do you do that, seriously?! " Sans chuckles at my question, and shrugs. C'mon, bonehead, really?

We walk into the house and Sans appears annoyed at who came to visit. A robot, wearing all pink and black and with black hair covering half their face, sits rather fashionably on couch next to Papyrus, watching TV.
" OH! HELLO BROTHER AND HUMAN! WHERE WERE YOU? I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU METTA WAS COMING OVER! " Papyrus exclaims happily, and Sans fakes a smile.
" That's fine bro, (Y/N) was just working with me at my post, sorry we're late, " He says, his eye looking like it wants to flicker blue but won't. 'Metta' sees me and seems enlightened.
" Papy dear, who is this beauty~? "
" Hi, I'm (Y/N), " I smile.
" My name is Mettaton, darling, " He walks up to me, putting a robotic hand under my chin and examining my face. " Marvelous, darling~! So, what are you doing hanging out with Sans, hmm~? " My face turns bright red and I start to get nervous at his suggestion.
" I-... I, uh... " I stutter.
" She was helping with work, " Sans intrudes, saving me. Thanks, Sans, I owe ya one, I think to myself, making a mental note to actually thank him later. Mettaton smirks.
" Oh, of course, Sansy, I wouldn't imply anything else... " He says. " Anyways, (Y/N), honey, we've got to do something with that outfit. "
" Huh? What's wrong with this? " I ask, looking down at my sweater and shorts.
" C'mon, let's go! " Mettaton grabs my wrist and drags, literally, drags me upstairs to Papyrus' room. " Papy dear, I'm borrowing your room for fashion purposes! " He calls downstairs, then hands me a bag he brought up with him.
" What's this? " I ask, sorting through its contents.
" An outfit for you to wear! Now put it on quickly! " He grins. He walks outside and leaves me to change, and I'm amazed at what I see myself wearing. It's a short blue dress with long sleeves, silver and gold glitter on it, and light gray fur on the bottom and on the end of the sleeves.
" Okay, I'm done, " I say, and Mettaton comes in, excited.
" Perfect! " He then continues to fix my hair in a (insert pretty hairstyle here) and does my makeup, adding silver to my eyes, then gives me a pair of silver heels/flats (you choose). " And now, go out there and see what h- they, think! " He pushes me out the door.


Sorry I had to cut the chapter off there, if I did then it would be a really long chapter

Sowwy ;^;

~ Chan
Total: 1433 words

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