rea and ash <3

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so here is to the one person that stud besides me through what ever, heres to the person that made me confident, heres to that one girl that i can see my future with... here to, rea. she is my world!

people say ' always believe in your dreams' but what happens when your only  dream is with you and your best friend? to have a flat together, have bff tattoos, go the same colledge, have your kids named after each other?

she helped me through every single bad thing i go through, almost 9 years together, wow! gone so quick huh?... 

i only got this one fear, and that's if we drift apart. I wouldn't be able to cope, i would be lost without her, nothing to live for anymore, i would feel destroyed, ashamed of myself for letting it happen... some people call it ' life' but i call it ' not seeing what is actually right infront of you'! and  forgetting about everything, forgetting what made you happy in the first place, trying to remember why we stayed together, why we made promises and never broke them, swore on each others lives to never drift away.

winter walks, summer laughs, saying its too cold, we act like a married couple haha! :D 

but you are all i can think about, even a week apart is too long, i would be wishing i could see you, be with you, make you laugh, smile, happy! and telling you that i love you, hugging you to stay warm, laugh until we cry! sounds like us, right?

its never the same with out you, you understand me more than anyone, we know EVERYTHING about each other, just a message to say i love you, you are my world and i believe in you! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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