Mask maker, mask maker, make me a mask

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"Could it be black? And make it look like a wolf. Wolves suit me, don't ya think?"
The pale man hums to himself as he takes my measurements. The masks along the walls seem to watch him work, with the different shapes and colors, they cast long shadows along the walls. The only light working, placed perfectly in a corner, help the shadows move across one another.

The pale man with his black, red pupiled, eyes concentrating on the job at hand, flicked his wrist at me. I chuckled at the motion.

"I'll be back in three days, will that be enough?" I took a step back, swiftly turning around and heading towards the door. A brisk 'yes' came out of the mask makers mouth, which happens to be the most I've heard out of him in over thirty minutes.

The streets were still crowded at six pm, surprisingly with that threat of even more ghouls around here lately. 'I could get some food from that one coffee shop I visited the other day.... Oh what was it called.....Anteiku was it? Hmm...'

'Turn left, and left, and right, and keep going....... Ah! There it is!' The cosy little shop was open for another three hours. I walked in and looked to see a purple haired dude in front of me, who happens to be walking out...... I kinda stared at him till I realized I was blocking his way out, so I decided to finally jump out of the way letting him pass.

"S-sorry sir, I kinda blanked on you for a second..... I should really pay attention more..."
"C'est bon, it's ok! It was partly my fault as well!" He laughed and looked down at me, his eyes seemed to glow as he walked away, still locked on me.

I rushed inside the shop, sitting at a little table. A purple haired girl walked over, acting slightly abnormal as compared to a regular waiter, or maybe it's just me.

"Hello, what can I get you? Would you like some coffee?" She smiled a fake happy smile at me.
" um.... I think I would like some coffee.... And I would like a sandwich and pancakes!" Her eyes widened a bit and she seemed to almost choke on the air.

"C-c-coming right up." She struggled to speak for a moment, eyes still wide but not as much. I took out my book and began reading "A Nights Long Journey" (idk if it's real, just made it up) I sat there for a little, until shaky hands set my food down, I looked up at the waiter and smiled in thanks. Picking up the sandwich,it seemed like everyone was watching me. I took a bite and could feel the amazing flavors of the meat, cheese, and bread all mixed together. My eyes closed and my body relaxed as I let out a gracious moan at the perfect sandwich.

"YUMMY! It's amazing! Please give my complements to whoever made this!" I look at the waiter and gobbled down the rest of the sandwich. I grabbed the fork beside and started on the pancakes, but not before I drank about maybe half of the coffee. I finished off the last pancake and took out a twenty from my wallet setting it on the table.

" Do you mind if I still stay in here for a little?" I looked around the shop, hoping for a yes.
"S-Sure, I guess you can stay till closing" I did a little happy dance in my head and pulled the book out again.

"What's your name?" The waiter stopped me as I walked out the door.

"Who. Me? Oh, I'm Minaki. But you people know me as 'Night Wolf'"

The door closed behind me, and I once again disappeared into the dark alleyways.

Hello my people!!! Seeing as this is the first chapter (and its 11:00pm) it's bound to be short!! Lol if you have any questions, feel free to ask!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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