Chapter # 20

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Maha's P.O.V:
"Hello!" my mother in law said.
"Hi!" I replied.
"Maha I want to tell you something...I know everything between you guys. Zayn has told me everything. And now I think it is better than to fix these problems rather than regreting on what happened..."

She continued.

"...I know that is hard for you but you have to try once to fix all those problems yourself... You know you have to be the first one to try to fix all those problems...Just make a few steps towards him and he will be following!"

What the hell is this why everyone expects me to fix all those problems when I don't want to. After all I have not created those problems myself. What if I don't want a relationship everyone expects me to have a normal one. I am about to crack down. I mean why doesn't that bothers to anyone else. He is a criminal a deciever a cheater. I hate him more than anything in the world. My nervous is about to break down. I feel fatigue in breathing in leaving. i am in such a confiscated situation. I don't know what to wish for.

"Well Maha it is his tea time now...he is in study now... I guess it would be better if you spend some time together. maybe over a cup of tea!"

She handed me the tray and I was forced to go. I want to be danm away from him as much as I can but the people around me won't let me do that. i took the tray to the study where he sat. It was a large room where huge portraits were hung were on the wall. I went in and put the tray on a table and pour the tie into a cup. For sure I am not gonna have tea with him. i bought that tea to the table he was working on. i cleared my throat.

"Your tea!" I said.

"Are you my servant?"


"Don't you get anything once?"

He shouted

"Your mother asked me to bring the tea for you!"

"Shut the crap up!"
I kept silent.

"Take this tea away!" He ordered and my brain refuse to process as he was so loud.

"Take the fuck away!" he shouted even more louder and threw the cap. The tea fell on me and the cup touched the floor and broke into pieces. Tears started to flew from my eyes.

"Just take your bloody face away from my eyes!" he shouted again and I ran to my room.

My toe hurts badly. I wanna cry hard. As much as I can. He is so rude and mean. Alina is right I should be danm away from him. This is better for me. I should leave him as soon as possible. Now where is the freaking first aid box. I am dying. Oh God save me. I got up from my bed but my toe didn't allow me to stand. I tried to go to the wardrobe but I fell in between, What shall I do now I really need to first aid myself. I crawled towards the inter com. I asked the servant to bring the first aid box. The door knocked and she came in giving me the first aid box. I tried to bandage myself but the pain was killing me inside.
"Ma'am can I do that?" She asked and I nodded. I gave her the first aid box and relaxed my head on the bed crown. Ugh the pain.

Sadaf's P.O.V:

"Ma'am I am done!" I didn't want to irritate her from her sleep but I had to as she was sleeping on the bare floor.
"Thank you!" She said trying to smile.
"No need Ma'am come let me take you to the bed ma'am!" I asked her.
"Alright!" she replied shortly and I helped her to go to the bed. She is actually such a strong girl who is baring to live in such conditions. I was going out of the room when i was stopped by her voice.
"Please don't tell that to anyone else!"

"Belive me I won't tell that to anyone else!"I said and went I can't bare to stand there anymore. Tears were falling through my eyes and I couldn't stop them.I ran towards my quarter and cried my heart out. Who says the rich have no problems in there life. I think they have the most because they are arrogant and can pain to anyone very easily and think that they are there property.

The wound she got was just so severe. Even looking at it I could feel it and She who has got that how much pain she is feeling. I felt pity on her.I could feel my eye brows burning due to the tears I stopped but what about the tears she has been shedding from the day she came here. A very few people in the servant quarter knew that what has happened to her and Alizay Ma'am knew that. But the servants in this house are afraid to say anything about that maybe it is that dreadful. I didn't know what was the secret behind all that and the truth was that I didn't want to know that because her condition told how much painful it was. I have been asked to take good care of her and never let her alone but how would I get that strength to face that with her.

Oh God please make her way easy!
A cruel chapter but new characters in the story. So tell me did I succeed in writing a cruel chapter. How many of you are hating Zayn or Hussain Asif right now. Tell me what you felt while reading it. The feed back some people are giving is just amazing but what about the silent people whether you show the demerits of my story I will love it more than the appreciation as they are made to correct me maybe I am done with my begging for votes and comments. Lub you bye bye Allah Hafiz tc!

And what do you think who asked Sadaf to take care of Maha?

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