Warning: Blood for Blood

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Warning: Blood for Blood

She cackles now, face cast down,

shackles forcing her to drown.

She rips her hair from her head with her fingers,

wishing that sanity would come to sting her.

Venom of madness begins scorching her blood,

making her dreams and screams turn to mud.

Laughter boils low from the tremors in her gut,

howls with agony as she falls into the rut.

The darkness shining in her very eyes

has come to shadow the light of his lies.

Nothing but cruel and sadistic taint

fuels the turning of her maddening page.

His blood is her ink, and she writes the letters of his name,

singing lullabies of death, and singing songs to sooth the pain.

Mirrors follow him wherever he walks,

memories come to him like ghosts who talk.

Whispers sing like demons in his ears,

giving him dreams with terrifying fears.

"My vengeance will latch itself like frost upon you," she says, 

"until your heart grows cold and beats naught;

my dead, gray eyes look coldly upon you," she says, 

"and your breath, still faltering, will be suddenly caught."

Ripping itself from him comes a scream

as evil binds him within the dream.

"Come, now, cold man, enjoy your sleep,

you will find your hallow within its keep."

And the reapers wait to take his soul

when the taint has festered and grown out of control.

The guardians watch and hand him over

because his evil has never left him sober.

She cackles now, face cast down,

shackles forcing her to drown.

The jacket locking her arms behind her back

had once forced her to kneel beneath his attack,

but now the chains begin to rust and crack,

and ashes rain down within the tracks.

Blood bleeds black from her empty, darkened eyes,

and she whispers the name of the teller of lies.

His pride is none,

his sins are great.

His place is at the bottom

of the burning lake.

"Cruel, what your hated has done to one who loved you?" she asks,

"Cruel what it took to break a child of Truth?

Cruel how the cold releases me of chains," she asks,

"and I become hunter with madness and rage?

Think twice before you sin against a child," she warns,

"for the heavens glower and shower you with guile."

His peace upon this earth will be unearthed,

and soon he will find the cost of his birth.

"Think twice before you sin against an innocent," she says,

"you will be burning and screaming in the midst of it--

before you feel the damage upon your soul," she says,

"before you realize you're out of control."

He will be burning and screaming in the midst of death,

and darkness and Hell will seize the screams of his breath.


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