Chapter 1

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"THIS IS OVER JACK I CAN NOT BALIVE YOU CHEATED ON ME HOW COULD YOU!" my tears go rolling down my eyes because of that jerk. " MINA I CAN EXPLAIN!" "NO I THINK YOU HAVE EXPLAINED ENOUGH" I quickly ran away and shut the door at his face. Time to start a new chapter in my life I should forget about that jerk who cheated on me.

Day 2,
I can't believe that I am going to move to America maybe I'll find my future boyfriend their. I'm finally in America I have a big journey along with me. I start looking for my hotel named franchiser hotel it looked like a fancy place to relax and forget about all your worries."BRING BRING!" " oh it is jack what ever I am going to start a new page in life". I go to my room in the hotel to unpack my things. I walk to the pool because it was boiling hot. "where on earth is the pool I Have been looking for it for hours" then I finally found the pool which was at the middle floor . "OUCH!" I crashed into a boy I stared blushing " oh sorry I did not mean to crash in to you" "NO NO that's fine really" I stared to turn red like a tomato. Maybe this could actually be my future boyfriend wait I have cram down he could a have a girlfriend too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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