The Quotebook

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"A hero can go anywhere, do anything, as long as they have the nerve-" Rick Riordan

"I think my goldfish are cannibals"- Jessica Gillis

"May the odds be ever in your favor" - Effy Trinket

"Destroying things is much easier then making them"- Suzanne Collins

"We've all got light and dark inside of us. What matters is what you chose to act on. That who you really are"- Sirius Black

"Its not are abilities that show what we really are. Its are choices" - Albus Dumbledore

" A bestfriend is someone who does not complain when you take their food without asking"- Casey Livingstone ( Me! :3 )

"Hello, friend!" - Jessica Ellsworth

" Karma better slap you in the face before I do" - Unknown

"Your about as charming as a dead slug"- Katniss Everdeen.

"Its hard to fight when the fight isint fair"- Taylor Swift 

"Shut up or I will throw you out of the library" - The kid who yells at me and my friends

"You are not intitled to your opinion. Your intitled to an informed opinion. Nobodys intitled to be ignorant"- Harlan Ellison

"The world is a dangerous place; not because of those how are evil, but because of those who do nothing about it"- Albert Einstein

"Im gonna finish you like a cheesecake"- Fat Amy.

"Yall need Jesus"- Uknown

"When life gives you lemons, sell them an go buy pepsi"- Moi :3

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous then boring"- Marilyn Monroe

"The mind is everything. What you think you become"- Buddha

"All monsters are human"- Unknown.

Yeah, I like quotes ;-; .More to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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