chapter 1

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Chapter 1

            “Uh-huh,” I absentmindedly commented when I heard my best friend, Rachel, take a breath from her rant.

            “Earth to Sarah,” Rachel said, waving her hand in front of my face, causing me to tear my eyes Mark. Mark was the cutest boy I knew and I had a huge crush on him.

            “Sorry Rach, what did you say?”

            “I asked if you wanted to homecoming dress shopping with me.”

            I sighed, “Rachel, you know I don’t have the money or the time.”

            “Come on. This is our freshman year, don’t you want to have fun?”

            “Of course I do, I just…” Just then the bell rang and I thanked my luck stars for not having to explain myself. “Sorry Rachel, but I’m babysitting today,” I said as I dashed out of my 7th period study hall.

~ ~ ~

            Three hours later I parked my bike and inspected myself. I had been babysitting Tyler and Michael, twin boys. On average I came home with ten bruises from them, but since Michael broke his arm, I was fairly unscathed.

            I hopped off my bike and pushed it into the garage. As I opened the door, I heard ‘mom’ yelling at someone for breaking a plate. I quickly slipped down the hall and into my room. I loved my foster family, but sometimes they drove me insane.

            As I sat down at my desk to start my homework, I began rubbing my locket that I always wore. It contained a picture of my birth family. I missed my real parents a lot, but I don’t really remember them since they passed nine years ago when I was six. I still remember the day the police told me my parent’s died in a car crash.

            I sighed and pushed those thoughts away. I’m happy with my foster family. Sure it gets loud with 4 girls including me and 3 boys, but I was never bored. As I was about to finally start my 4 hours of homework, my phone beeped at me, signaling I had a new text. Annoyed I dug through my purse until I found my phone.

            One new text from Rachel the screen read. I closed my textbook knowing it was pointless to attempt my work now, and clicked the open button on my phone.

            ‘Hey gurl,’ it read. ‘Just wondering why you were making google eyes Mark in study hall today.’

            ‘I was so not making google eyes,’ I replied.

            ‘Yeah you were. You know better Sarah.’

            ‘What do you mean Rach?’

            ‘All I’m saying is your mom would kill you if you dated him.’

            ‘And why is that.’

            ‘Cause he is a known player and partier. Where have you been lately?’

            I sighed. I knew Mark was a player and partier, but I wanted to believe that wasn’t the real him. ‘ I guess you are right Rachel.’

            ‘Of course I am, so now that we have that over with, what is up?’

            ‘Hiding out in my room while mom lectures one of the boys for breaking a plate. I think he might be a new edition since Brandon and Matt have homework and Luke has baseball.’

            ‘OHH!! Is he sexy or cute?’

            ‘EW!! I don’t know besides mom says no dating in the family.’

            ‘Hey, I was asking for my sake.”

            ‘I don’t know Rachel, hey I got to go, Mom’s calling.’

            I turned my phone off and went outside. “Yeah mom,” I called. As I turned another corner, I saw mom and the two older boys sitting at the kitchen table.

            “ Okay well now that the three of you are here, I have some news. We are getting a new family member. His name is Alex. This is only temporary since his dad will be released from prison in a week. Until then, I want you and the little ones to stay away from him.” Mom finished looking sternly but caringly at us.

            Brandon, the oldest boy at 17 who was practically my real brother since I had known him in the nine years I have lived here, asked the million dollar question. “What’s he doing here if he is potentially dangerous?”

            Mom sighed heavily before saying, “he got kicked out of his old home. I don’t know why, all I know is he could be dangerous. They sent him here since we haven’t taken in any kids lately.” That was true, the last kids we had taken in had been Amelia, Emily, and Catherine three years ago.

            “Where will he sleep, cause there is no way that Luke can fit in Brandon and my room?” asked the other boy, Matt.

            “I thought he could sleep in Sarah’s room and Sarah could sleep with the triplets.” Mom said looking at me hopefully

            “Sure,” I said, “just let me grab my stuff.” I didn’t mind sleeping with Amelia, Emily, and Catherine, the triplets. They came to the family when they were two from some middle eastern country. They were perfect little angles ninety percent of the time, like most five year olds.

            As I got up from the table and walked toward my room to pack up,Brandongrabbed my arm. “WhatBrandon?” I asked annoyed that I was losing more time to do my homework.

            “Be careful Sarah, this guy could hurt you, and I don’t want to see that happen to you,” he said with concern clearly visible in his eyes.

            “Dude, leaver her be. I bet she’s a good fighter,” a cold voice from behind said.

            I turned around and saw a tall, muscular guy with dark green intense eyes and a messy mop of black hair.

            “Hey sweet cheeks, name’s Alex, I’m your temporary brother.”  

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