Chapter One

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My fingers gripped the seat as Metallica blared in my ears. I couldn't hear the words over my pounding heart, and the possible scenarios playing through in my head.  Basically, they all end the same, I die.  A slow painful death.  I tried to appear calm, however, I was failing miserably.  The seat belt light was off but I was strapped in tight. 

My eyes darted around a few people gave me weird looks. I might have been dressed bad ass but the fear on my face made me look the exact opposite. Okay, that was a lie, I wasn't dressed badass, more like a bum, but either way, I had lost any indication that I was, in fact, a strong brave young woman. 

A light poke on my shoulder made me pull me out my headphones. To my right sat a slim boy, freckles covering his face like sprinkles on a cupcake. His eyes were brown, and his hair was an auburn mop on his head. He had thin lips and a hooked nose. This boy was Tyson Maverick. He was 5'8 were as I stood about 5'8 and a half.  I was tall suppose it came from my dad's side. My mother's side nobody got taller than 5'6. 

When I attended family reunions I stood as a skyscraper. My cousins avoided talking to me unless I was sitting down because it hurt there necks to look up. There were a few selective young cousins who often asked to sit on my shoulders so they could view the world from up high. I didn't mind it was the only thing my height was good for. Besides being able to reach the top shelf, and the ability to screw in a light bulb without a chair.

Tyson had been my best friend for what seemed like forever. We were more like family than regular friends.  He was like the brother I never wanted. That's a lie, I've always wanted a sibling and he was close I had to one. Although he was annoying and I wanted nothing more than to strangle him most of the time.

"Your shaking," Ty tells me. As if I didn't already know. I was on the verge of hyperventilating. My chest burned and it felt as if my heart dropped to my stomach, "I can't believe it, Winchester, you afraid of heights! Of all things! Are your listening to Metallica really? "

"It keeps me calm now shut it!" Was the best comeback I could manage at the moment, For my eyes had already met his phone, "Did you have that on when the plane took off?! You could cause the plane to crash!"

I was quite alarmed everyone knows your supposed to turn them off. The flight attendant made it very clear as did the captain over the speakers.  "Don't tell me you really believe that! Everyone knows that it's just a myth!"

Tyson was an idjit even on his good days. Although he was afraid of small things like spiders and jumped a million times during scary movies, he wasn't afraid of heights. A since I was, he made sure to use it to his full advantage. When on a fairs-wheel, even though it says don't rock, its exactly what he does. 

A that's why I hate carnivals. Never will I attend one with him again. He nudges me when were for example on the top of a tall building. I was about to yell at him some more but stopped when the whole plane shuttered. Nobody seemed to give it a second thought. I, however, started a series of 'Oh My God's' in my head. 

Tyson must have seen my face go pale and my fingers claw deeper into the seat. For he took this opportunity to try and scare me, "That doesn't sound too good Mary," he said slowly, using my middle name, "That could be engine failure, or maybe the pilot passed out in the cockpit and nobodies flying the plane." 

If we were in any other scenery I would have gone full on Ninja Turtle and kicked his ass. He went on saying all the scenarios I had previously been imagining and voiced them.  To block him out I returned the headphones to my ears and sunk into the loud ear busting music which helped ease my trembling.

He was still moving his mouth attempting to pull out my earbuds, "I think we might actually crash," He said. I punched his arm hard my knuckles popping in the process. A flight attends past by offering us snacks. 

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