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I don't own Naruto or Predator or any pictures I use
"Demonic Talking"
Demonic Thinking

Down the road in the forest we find a broken, beaten, and bloody naruto whose clothes are shredded and had a fist size hole in the chest area of his jacket, his once blue eyes that were filled with so much warmth were now dead and cold as ice, he had multiple cuts and scars on him and his blonde hair had highlights of blood in it.

What could of cause this to happen to him? Well it all started when he brought sasuke back from the retrieval mission.

Naruto was sitting in the council room waiting for what they needed to tell him, he was still in pretty bad shape from their battle.

What could they want? Naruto thought to himself
I don't know kit but I'm not entirely fond of this Kurama said to naruto in his mind
Yea, neither am I naruto replied

He was broke out of his conversation with kurama when the old war hawk Danzo spoke
"Now Naruto Uzumaki we here as the council have decided to banish you for a lifetime from Konaha for trying the kill one of your fellow shinobi"

Not only was naruto shocked, he was pissed, then he looked at the shinobi side and he could see the sorrow and sadness in their eyes and when he saw Tsunade she was on the verge of tears.

"Baa-chan tell me this isn't true.....please" naruto pleaded, however it was true
"I'm sorry naruto I wish it wasn' have till tomorrow to leave........I'm so sorry" tsunade said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

So as naruto left the room he was confronted by the Konaha 11 group minus sasuke, hinata, Lee, shikamaru, Tenten, and Choji.........when the group came up to him they were pissed for what he did and the called him things such as 'demon, monster, loser' when they were done insulting him they attacked and when they were done he couldn't believe it, his heart was broken....with what little strength he had he stood up and left not wanting to deal with anything like this again.

But not before seeing his girlfriend and the love of his life Tenten working in her fathers shop.......a silent tear dropped down his face and with that he left with a whisper

"I'm sorry......I love you.........Tenten"

(End Flashback)

And that's how we find Naruto the way he is now, walking in the forest trying to find a reason to keep going while Kurama was trying to cheer him up.

Hey kit stop worrying, I hate seeing you like this Kurama told him
I just can't believe they would do this to me......after all I've done naruto replied
I know......but hey I'm still hear for you kurama said with sorrow in his voice
I know, and I'm grateful to have you with me

As they were talking away to each other naruto walked into a deep cave and then he suddenly found some giant metal door with weird markings on it

What is this Kurama? Naruto asked
I don't believe it, this belongs to the Dark Blade Clan
The what?
They were superior hunters that would hunt for honor and pride.....they used to come to this planet to hunt but when us tailed beasts came along and humans started to become powerful with their chakra they left and quarantined this planet, this must have been their main hideout kurama explained

As he was explaining, naruto had already opened the door and was walking around, he saw many things such as weapons, skulls, images of strange creatures, armor, and finally he came to a mask that sat on a pedestal.

As his curiosity kicked he picked it up and decided to put it on but when he did it attached itself to his head and he felt pain running through his body and at the same time he saw strange images and was having thousands of years of knowledge lodged into his was too much as he soon blacked out but he heard kurama shout to him before he was consumed by darkness.



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