Chapter 2

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(Last time on The Shinobi Predator)

Many ninja finally grabbed him and held him to calm him down while kakashi asked him "Who is after you?"

After minutes of shaking and stuttering the nin finally shouted loud enough for all the ninja at the gate and the rest of Konaha to hear "THE SHADOW DEMON IS AFTER ME!!!"


It feels like everything just froze for everyone in Konaha when the ninja yelled that, everyone had a pale look on their faces as they all were thinking the same thing Oh Kami

"D-d-d-did you j-j-just say that T-t-t-the Shadow Demon is after y-y-y-you?" Jaraiya said hoping to kami that it doesn't mean what he thinks it does

"YES...ME AND MY TEAM WERE SCOUTING AN AREA WHEN HE ATTACKED.....IT WAS H-H-HORRIBLE......P-P-PLEASE HEL..." that was all he got to say before some strange red ball of light shot straight through his chest and he dropped down dead.

Everyone was looking at the body with fear of what just happened to him, but they were broke out of their thoughts when they heard a giant thud and they immediately went into their defensive stances

When they looked over where the thud came from they saw a small crater in the ground and they heard a low guttural growl, the next thing they saw almost gave them a heart attack when red eyes flashed out of no where and suddenly a body just materialized from the crater

Everyone was staring wide-eyed at the man/thing standing in front of them, he stood at 6'1" with a muscular build, he has hard golden dreadlocks, his skin was green and slightly reptilian, he had a pure black metal mask on with tubes on the back of it, a long with pure black armor covering vital areas of him

Everyone stayed absolutely still to see what he would do.....however one person by the name of Tenten saw something that almost brought tears to her eyes.......on his right wrist was a bracelet that had dual swords crossed in an X with a nine-tailed fox in the center

She walked toward him shaking "Where did you get that bracelet?" she asked, everyone looked at her like she was insane for trying to talk to him until she added "I made that bracelet and gave it to Naruto for his birthday........WHY DO YOU HAVE IT!!!" she yelled with tears in her eyes

All the man did was tilt his head at her until he reached behind to grab something......when he took it out everyone understood what he meant whether they liked it or not....everyone gasped and many had tears starting to form in their eyes

He held up a human skull in his left hand, this skull had a leaf hiatei tied onto it....he then lifted his right arm up next to it and showed the bracelet next to the skull and to seal the deal he activated his wrist blade and that's all it took for the people who couldn't broke down and cried

Among these people were Hinata, Tsunade, Jaraiya, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Choji, and the two affected most by this was Sasuke who now knows that his best-friend/brother is dead and he isn't going to come back while Tenten just realized that the love of her life is dead and she won't get to hold him again as she fell to her knees she unconsciously clutched the heart necklace around her neck that he made her.

When they heard a guttural growl come from the man they saw him start to walk away however an anbu with a blank mask jumped at him however in the blink of an eye the man spun around and shoved his wrist blades right into the anbu's head to which he a roar out and disappeared with the anbu.

"" Tenten whispered while still crying

Everyone was just so shocked from what they one moved except for Tsunade who went and comforted Tenten........however she cried even more when she heard Tenten whisper

"He's gone........he's......truly gone" was the the last thing she said before she went passed out

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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