Chapter 15

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Obi-wan's Pov

"No wait Ahsoka!" I yelled, but by then, she already had both of her emerald green lightsabers at Wolffe's throat.

"Why Master?! Isn't he going to try to kill us?!" Ahsoka growled, with her lightsaber still at Wolffe's throat.

"I don't think his chip is active, that or he already had it removed."

"Yes, I still have my chip, but it must be malfunctioning. That's probably the reason for my pounding headache," Wolffe explained, putting his hand to his forehead.

"So, can we trust you?" Ahsoka questioned.

"Yes, sir!" Wolffe acknowledged, saluting both Ahsoka and I.

Ahsoka's Pov

So that's three clones out of the five that we are taking to Kamino. Rex, who we need to keep knocking out, Cody who we need to keep alive, and Wolffe, who we can hopefully trust and will help us.

"Alright, if we really can trust you Wolffe, then I have an idea," I stated.

"Really, what's your plan?" Obi-wan asked, sadly looking at Cody who was lying on the ground unconscious and probably in a coma from the blood loss.

"Since Wolffe is a clone, all the other clones and droids think that his chip is in control of his body. If Wolffe could find Kix and Jessie, then he could lead them back here to where we will be waiting to knock them out, and then we can get to Kamino and get the medical attention that Cody needs and have all the chips removed from the clones."

"I'm up for it Sir!" Wolffe exclaimed.

"Good," Obi-wan nodded stroking his beard, "we just have to figure out where out two clones are, I don't want to risk the chance of Wolffe getting caught."

"Wolffe, on your patrols, did you ever spot Kix and Jessie?" I questioned.

"Yes sir, the last time I saw them, Jessie was leading a patrol squad of clones and I'm pretty sure I saw Kix in the line."

"Do you know where they would be now?"

"Well, it takes about fifteen minutes to patrol each given section of the Jedi temple, so if they didn't find any Jedi,, they will be near the entrance of the temple."

"Here, you'll need this," I frowned, tossing Wolffe a blaster rifle.

Count Dooku's Pov

I was in the Jedi Temple's war room when my comlink suddenly lit up.

"Sir, we found a Jedi and we have him in in custody in critical condition, what would you like us to do with him?" a droid's robotic voice questioned.

"Who is the Jedi?" I asked.

"By the looks of it, he is Anakin Skywalker."

They were able to cripple Skywalker?! Maybe the droids are more useful than I imagined.

"Bring him to me, and find a medical droid. I would like to question him before he dies," I ordered.

"Roger roger."

Padmé's Pov

"Master Jedi," I inquired, "I fear Anakin has gotten himself into some trouble. I need to go help him. Will you please watch over my children? Please?"

"Wouldn't it make more sense if I went than for you to go?"

"Not in this case, I can't just it around and wait for him to die. I'll be fine, I promise."

"Very well. I will watch over your two children. May the force be with you."

I had already changed out of my hospital gown and into more suitable clothes that I had three-pe-oh bring me.

"Mistress Padmé, I do not think you should be leaving this hospital. You have just given birth. Perhaps it would be best if you sent the Jedi," C3PO suggested.

"Sorry three-pe-oh, but I have to go help Anakin, I'm entrusting you with the safety of the Jedi and my children. Do you think you're up to the task?"

"Oh! Of course My Lady! I won't let you down!" he exclaimed.


Before I left the hospital, I grabbed my blaster from the front desk recipiant and then sped out the automatic door onto the landing pad. I hopped onto a small air bike and kicked it into gear.

I have to get to the temple fast.

As I raced to the temple, I passed some clones patrolling the air traffic. They singled for me to stop my vehicle, but I only went faster. That made them turn on their flashing sirens and start chasing me.

Great! Now I have to shake them off before I get to the temple!

I took a sharp turn into a narrow alley, but the clones were still hot on my tail. The alley was coming to an abrupt end, so I decided to use one of the flying tricks that Anakin taught me- flipping the speeder upside down and then twisting it to make sure I'm going the direction I need to.

Those vehicles won't be as agile and this speeder so I might be able to shake them! The, I'll have to ditch it somewhere near the temple to make sure I lead them away from me.

As I preformed the advanced maneuver, the clones pulled out their blaster and started shooting at me.

Hey! I"m not a Jedi!

I raced out of the alley and took a few more sharp turns to make sure I had lost them. Then I found a landing pad that wasn't too close to the temple, but not to far. I would just have to run and make a few long jumps. It reminded me of the day Anakin and I were trying to rescue Obi-wan but got trapped in a geonocian droid factory and in order to stay alive, we had to dodge machines and jump over gaps that could've ended up killing us.

Well, here goes nothing.

Anakin's Pov

I felt so cold. That was all I felt. I didn't know whee I was. Everything was completely dark. I was so scared.


Someone was speaking to me. I could not match a name with the voice.


The voice was louder now and had a demanding edge to it. I tried to think of all the people I knew who had a voice whose sounded like that.

"Ani, it's not over."

The voice was female, I could tell that much. It sounded so familiar. But who is this Ani she was talking about?

"You can not give up yet Ani."

So familiar. The woman kept calling me Ani. Was I Ani? What a weird name.

"You must remember Ani. I love you. I'm so proud of you."

"Mother? Could that be you?"

My voice sounded hoarse and I did not recognize it. The woman's voice though, it sounded like my mother's. But, who was my mother?

"Ani you must wake up. This world still needs you."

I don't know where I am. I don't know who I am. I don't know what I am.

Who am I? I'm so lost.

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