Mark's Mind
It's been months since Cristy's picked me up and let me stay at her place and I have bought out the house next to hers. I am having a bridge built to connect our houses and then I can walk right on over . Cristy's thinks it's a good idea and we have become great friends but I have this feeling something missing.
Cristy's POV
"Hey Mark how you doing I..I.I know this is sudden but um will you go out with me. No No that's to sudden it need to be the perfect setting for this Maybe I could ask him out to dinner".
Mark's POV
Cristy's POV
Ya I'm here ya don't have to shout
Mark's POV
K um I need your opinion... what do you think about getting a cat or dog.
Cristy's POV
Cats and dogs are great just get a dog that doesn't shed to much or just get a cat.
Mark's POV
Ok thanks for the insight.Cristy's POV
He's so handsome with his blonde hair and farmers tan.
He's ugg I need to ask him out maybe tomorrow.