Chapter 6

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The award ceremony in this chapter is completely made up.

* Sophie's POV *

At the awards ceremony

Our first award of the evening is for the Most Valuable Player from all of the teams in the tournament, this year's MVP is..... Sophie Adams!

We go through the some other awards that go to other teams.

Our next award is for best offensive player, and that ayer is Sophie Adams!

Best defensive player is Avery Johnson!

Best server in the tournament is Natalie Brisso!

Best passer is Dani Mostrom!

Best setter is Sophie Adams!

Best hitter is Avery Johnson!

Best blocker is Katie Rielly!

Our last award of the night is for best captain and I think you all know who that goes to, Sophie Adams!

Thank you for coming out tonight ladies and gentlemen, I how all of you have a safe trip home.

Sophie! Avery! Jon yelled behind me and Avery.

I whipped around and saw all of the Blackhawks coming towards me.

Damn Sophie, 4 awards, Shawzy said to me and gave me a quick hug.

I ended up getting hugs from every player on the team before we all headed back to our hotel.

Bye babe, I'll text you tomorrow, Jon says sadly.

Don't be sad, we'll talk everyday like usual and I'll come to as many of your games as possible, I said.

I know, I just don't want to leave.

I know I really don't want you to go either but you have to, I will see you really soon ok? I love you, I said.

I love you too babe, he said before pulling me close and kissing me.

We stood together for a minutes with my hands around his neck and his hands resting on my waist before pulling apart for air.

Bye babe. He pecked me one last time before walking off to his room.

* Skip to one week later *

We have been back in Kansas for 5 days now and it is currently December 23rd and Jonathan is on his way to Kansas so he can meet my family and spend Christmas with me.

I'm standing at his gate waiting for his plane to arrive.

I watch as the plane lands and stops at the gate before the people start to get off.

I see Jonathan walk out and look around for me.

Jonathan! I yell.

He turns towards me and he has a big smile on his face as he moves quickly to me.

As soon as he reached me I'm in his arms with his lips on mine. We pull apart after a minute and we head towards baggage claim.

After we get his suitcase we walk out to my car and start the 45 minute drive to my house.

The ride seemed to go by super fast because before I knew it I was pulling into my driveway.

We walked in and I was immediately greeted by my mom and dad even though they saw me 2 hours ago.

Mom, dad this is my boyfriend Jonathan Toews, I said introducing him.

Nice to meet you son, my father says to him while shaking his hand.

You too Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams very nice to meet you also, Jon said.

Nice to finally meet you Mr. Toews, my mom says.

Please call me Jonathan.

At that moment both my sisters, brother-in-law, and my niece came into the kitchen.

Jonathan, meet my sisters Erin and Maddie, my brother in law Cody, and my niece Natalie. Everyone meet Jonathan Toews, I said introducing everyone.

Nice to meet all of you, Jon said shaking Cody's hand and giving my sisters quick little hugs.

After he hugged my sisters I saw them turn away and calm themselves down like I did when I first met him.

I took Jonathan back to my room and helped him settle in. He's only gonna be here for 4 days before he has to leave to get back to practices.

My dad grilled steak and potatoes for dinner and after we drove around town looking at the Christmas lights which we do every year on Christmas Eve Eve.

We came back home, changed into our pajamas, and crawled into bed. I snuggled up with Jon and felt him slip his arms around me pulling me closer. I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Hey guys, I really hope you like the story so far. I will probably start to write more often because school got out a couple days ago and I have nothing to do all day. I know exactly where I want this story to go so updates will be coming fast.


Can't Love You More Than This (Jonathan Toews) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now