~Chapter 1~

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Uhmm...hi there!!! This is actually my first time to write a story and post it on wattpad. I apologize ahead for any grammatical errors. I am not really that smart when it comes to writing a story and having everyone  see it, but I tried my best to be able to compose this kind of story and I think it's better to let my feelings out this way than just having no one to talk to ...... except my bestfriends , of course. Some of my friends might ask that if this story really happened or not. Well... thats for you to know right?  Anyway, here it is...Hope you like it! :)

I've always been the kind of girl who always had a crush on someone. I really can’t help it çause Im somehow always attracted to guys having a great sense of humour. Having a crush is always a good thing? It is good when your inspired to go to school everyday and study to impress that guy. But does it only have good effects? Heck no, especially not with my looks. My name is Elizabeth, Elizabeth Gomez and here's my story........

~Chapter 1~ 

New school? New life? New opportunities? New classmates? New friends perhaps? Tsk, those were the least of my wants. Here I am, preparing myself to head to a school which I don’t even wants to study in. I want to say at my old school, I’m happy with my friends there. I’m satisfied with my life there. Heck, even my crush is there. I can’t just leave. I can’t imagine not having my crush nearby. But, I can't do anything anymore. It's too late...I am enrolled at this new school. If I just failed the entrance exam then I wouldn't be stuck in this moment.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I threw on my new pink uniform and ran a comb through my messy hair. With one last glance at the mirror, I slung my bag over my back and made my way to the car.

I slid into the passenger seat and  muttered a good morning to my dad. He raised a brow at me but revved up the engine anyway. The drive to school was quiet. Unfortunately, my dad decided to break the silence.

“You’re going to love your new school, Liza.” I scowled at his comment.

“Tsk, You know that I wont, Dad.” He gave me a worried glance.

“Liza, we’ve been though this. You’re entering Skylark Academy. You’re lucky you even get a chance to set a foot in there. That school-“

“Only accepts those who pass their entrance exam, and only a certain few can barely pass that exam. It has very high standards and will improve those students who already have high expectations of them. In other words, a school for those with intelligence.” I finished for him. Tsk, he told me that many time already. He makes Skylark sound like a world-known University of some sort.

“Exactly. See what I mean? Anyway, your classmates might be those smart kids, but you have nothing to worry about. I bet you’re one of the smartest there. You’re a valedictorian after all.” I bit my bottom lip. Argh, As much as I love being that, it’s not like I’m planning to boast that to the school. I don’t want them to think that I’m a boastful person.

 I felt my heart pounding against my chest as we passed the grand gate to Skylark. My Dad dropped me off at the entrance. “See you soon, Liza.” I bid him goodbye as he sped away.

 I let out a sigh. This is it.

The campus was kinda small compared to how I imagined it. I walked by a gazebo and there sat a little girl which I think is way too small to be a freshmen.  I approached her anyway.

"Hi! My name is Elizabeth Gomez. What's yours?" I flashed her a friendly smile. If I’m going to school here from now on them I might as well  just get friends to get accustomed to already.

"Hello! I'm Kyla Shut. It's a weird last name but I'm cool with it." she replied with a smile on her face. I silently prayed that we were classmates so it wouldn't be that hard to make friends with my other classmates because I already started with one.

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