No more sailing

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Steve had become 2 months and Meryl wanted to do something. She remembered that Rod bought her a boat after he stole Michaels dick. Meryl went with Steve on the boat and they sailed away.
Meryls luscious golden locks were swaying in the wind. She felt like a sexy beast. She put Steve on the seat and walked to the front and let the wind blow in her face. She lifted  her arms to the side and felt like a Queen. Suddenly, she heard a splash. Steve had fell into the water! Meryl screamed as she watched her child struggle in the water. Meryl couldn't swim. It was her biggest fear so she let her child drown, she had more sperm. But Steve could swim. He swam, he swam for miles and Meryl attempted to follow him with her boat. Steve swam to shore and Meryl could not find him. Meryl had lost her child once again...

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